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Sandro Smarzaro edited this page May 28, 2024 · 2 revisions

💻 How To Run

🐧 Ubuntu Requirements

1º Installing NVM, NodeJS and NPM

First you need to JavaScript runtime, in this case, using NodeJS, in terminal run:

curl -o- | bash

To download Node Version Manager (NVM), and to install Node:

nvm install 20

You can verify if the installation was correct with:

node -v

To see the NodeJS version installed, and the version of Node Package Manager (NPM)

npm -v

2º Insalling Yarn

But instead of using NPM to conrol the packages, we using Yarn globally, running this code:

npm install --global yarn

Verifing the installation:

yarn -v

3º Installing Git, Clone App and Install Dependencies

Now you can clone the repository using Git:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa

To add the PPA, and to really install Git:

sudo apt update; apt install git

Finally you can download project with:

git clone [email protected]:a-resenha/resenhazord2.git

Enter the directory of the bot:

cd resenhazord2/

Execute this command to install all dependencies of bot:

yarn install