This SDK currently supports these APIs:
- Domains API
- Hosts API
- Customers API
- Contacts API
- Notifications API
- Providers API
- Processes API
- Certificates API
Are you missing functionality? Feel free to create an issue, or hit us up with a pull request.
composer require sandwave-io/realtimeregister-php
use SandwaveIo\RealtimeRegister\RealtimeRegister;
$realtimeRegister = new RealtimeRegister('my-secret-api-key');
The IsProxy interface offers the most efficient way to check domain name validity and availability. It reduces overhead by using a telnet based protocol that allows multiple checks to be made in parallel. The interface can be used most effectively by reusing existing sessions as much as possible, this will lower the overhead on session creation and authentication.
An example:
use SandwaveIo\RealtimeRegister\IsProxy;
$isProxy = new IsProxy('my-secret-api-key');
if ($result = $isProxy->check('example', 'com')) {
if ($result->isAvailable()) {
echo "{$result->getDomain()} is available.";
} else {
echo "{$result->getDomain()} is not available.";
// is available.
Or check multiple:
use SandwaveIo\RealtimeRegister\IsProxy;
$isProxy = new IsProxy('my-secret-api-key');
foreach ($isProxy->checkMany('example', ['nl', 'com', 'net', 'org']) as $result) {
echo $result->getDomain() . $result->isAvailable() ? ' ✅' : ' ❌';
// ✅
// ❌
// ✅
// ✅
Feel free to create a PR if you have any ideas for improvements. Or create an issue.
- When adding code, make sure to add tests for it (phpunit).
- Make sure the code adheres to our coding standards (use php-cs-fixer to check/fix).
- Also make sure PHPStan does not find any bugs.
vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix
vendor/bin/phpstan analyze
vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text
These tools will also run in GitHub actions on PR's and pushes on master.