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Sanooj Es edited this page Jul 14, 2024 · 1 revision

Spicetify-Lucid Theme Wiki

Welcome to the Spicetify-Lucid Theme Wiki! This wiki will guide you on how to install, customize, and enjoy a refreshing Bloom-inspired experience on Spotify with Lucid.

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Choose your preferred method:

1. Manual Installation using Scripts (Recommended)

Windows (PowerShell)

  1. Open PowerShell.
  2. Copy and paste the following command and press Enter:
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
iex "& { $(iwr -useb '') }"

Linux/macOS (Bash)

  1. Open Terminal.
  2. Copy and paste the following command and press Enter:
curl -fsSL | sh

2. Using Spicetify Marketplace (Simpler Installation)

  1. Install the spicetify-marketplace extension:
  2. Open the Spicetify Marketplace.
  3. Search for "Lucid."
  4. Click "Install."

3. Advanced Manual Installation

  1. Download: Get the theme from as a ZIP file.

  2. Navigate to Themes: In your terminal, type spicetify path userdata and locate the "Themes" directory within the output path.

  3. Create Lucid Folder: Inside the "Themes" directory, create a new folder named Lucid.

  4. Extract: Extract the contents of the downloaded ZIP file into the Lucid folder.

  5. Apply Theme:

    • Open your terminal.
    • Replace <color_scheme> with your desired scheme (dark, light, etc.):
    spicetify config current_theme Lucid
    spicetify config color_scheme <color_scheme> 
    spicetify config inject_css 1 replace_colors 1 overwrite_assets 1 inject_theme_js 1
    spicetify apply


  • Auto-Updates (Planned): Effortless bug fixes and improvements delivered straight to your Spotify.
  • Dynamic Background: Experience immersive visuals with an album art-adaptive background.
  • Multiple Color Schemes: Choose from a palette of schemes to personalize your Spotify: dark, light, darkgreen, coffee, comfy, violet, dark-fluent, dark-bloom, midnight-catppuccin, greenland, biscuit, macos, rosepine, dracula, dracula-pro.
  • Easy Installation: Get started quickly with simplified installation methods.


Color Schemes

  • Default: dark

  • Changing Schemes:

    spicetify config color_scheme <your_chosen_scheme>
    spicetify apply
  • Marketplace Users: Change directly within the theme options.

Accent Color

  1. Find Color File: Navigate to your Spicetify Themes directory (use spicetify path userdata to find it) and open the Lucid folder.
  2. Edit: Open the color.ini file corresponding to your current color scheme (e.g., color.dark.ini).
  3. Modify: Adjust the accent color values within the file.
  4. Apply: Run spicetify apply in your terminal to save changes.
  • Marketplace Users: Utilize the built-in Color.ini Editor.

Lucid Settings

This section explains the settings you can tweak to personalize Lucid.

Background Settings

Setting Options Default Description
Background Default Background, Animated Background, Solid Background Default Background - Default Background: Static background image.
- Animated Background: Responds dynamically to your music.
- Solid Background: A clean, single-color background.
Background Grains Stary Grains (default), Normal Grains, No Grains Stary Grains - Stary Grains: Subtle, sparkling effect.
- Normal Grains: Classic film grain effect.
- No Grains: A clean, grain-free background.

Default Background Settings (For Static Background)

Setting Min Max Default Description
Blur 0 100 24 Adjusts the blur intensity of the background. Higher = more blur.
Brightness 0 200 65 Controls the brightness level (100 = default). Lower = darker, Higher = brighter.
Contrast 0 200 80 Manages the contrast level (100 = default). Lower = less contrast, Higher = more contrast.
Saturation 0 200 90 Adjusts color saturation (100 = default). Lower = more grayscale, Higher = more vibrant colors.

Animated Background Settings

Setting Min Max Default Description
Blur 32 256 64 Adjusts the blur intensity (Higher = more blur).
Saturation 0 500 150 Controls color saturation (100 = default). Lower = more grayscale, Higher = more vibrant.
Contrast 0 200 115 Manages the contrast level (100 = default). Lower = less contrast, Higher = more contrast.
Brightness 0 200 65 Controls the brightness level (100 = default). Lower = darker, Higher = brighter.
Animation Time 0 120 45 Sets the duration of one animation cycle in seconds (0 = no animation). Recommended: 30-60.

Now Playing Bar Settings

Setting Min Max Default Description
Opacity 0 100 100 Controls the bar's transparency (0 = fully transparent, 100 = fully opaque).
Background Color Opacity 0 100 50 Adjusts the opacity of the bar's background color (0 = fully transparent, 100 = fully opaque).
Height 0 500 80 Sets the bar's height in pixels.
Padding in X axis 0 50 4 Controls horizontal padding within the bar (Higher = more space between content and edges).
Margin Bottom 0 50 8 Adjusts the space between the bar's bottom edge and content below it.
Border Radius 0 100 8 Controls the roundness of the bar's corners (Higher = more rounded).
Blur 0 100 32 Adjusts blur intensity (Higher = more blur).
Saturation 0 200 100 Controls color saturation (100 = default). Lower = more grayscale, Higher = more vibrant.
Contrast 0 200 100 Manages the contrast level (100 = default). Lower = less contrast, Higher = more contrast.
Brightness 0 200 100 Controls the brightness level (100 = default). Lower = darker, Higher = brighter.


Issue: Theme not applying or displaying correctly.

Possible Solutions:

  1. Spicetify Update: Ensure you have the latest version of Spicetify installed.
  2. Re-apply Theme: Run the spicetify apply command in your terminal after making changes.
  3. Restart Spotify: Close and reopen Spotify to refresh the application.
  4. Clear Cache: Clear your Spotify cache. The location of the cache folder varies depending on your operating system.

For persistent issues, consider seeking help in the GitHub Issues section of the repository.


We welcome contributions to Lucid! Whether it's bug fixes, new features, or improvements to the documentation, your contributions are valuable. Check out our guide for guidelines and instructions.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

We hope this wiki enhances your experience with the Spicetify-Lucid theme. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance!