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Built In Functions

Tushar Naik edited this page Jan 30, 2024 · 5 revisions

Hope provides a bunch of functions by default for use in Hope expressions.

Array functions

  • arr.contains_all([lhsArray], [rhsArray]) - true BooleanValue if lhsArray contains all elements of rhsArray.
  • arr.contains_any([lhsArray], [rhsArray]) - true BooleanValue if lhsArray contains any elements of rhsArray.
  •, [rhsArray]) - true BooleanValue if lhs (core type/object) is present in rhsArray.
  • arr.not_in(lhs, [rhsArray]) - true BooleanValue if lhs (core type/object) is not present in rhsArray.
  • arr.is_empty(array) - true BooleanValue is array is empty
  • arr.len(array) - NumericValue length of the array

Math functions

  • math.add(num...) - Sum NumericValue of all provdided numbers
  • math.sub(lhs, rhs) - Result NumericValue after subtracting rhs from lhs
  • - Product NumericValue of all provdided numbers
  • math.div(num, den) - Quotient NumericValue of num divided by den
  • math.mod(num, den) - Remainder NumericValue of num divided by den
  • math.abs(num) - Absolute NumericValue of number
  • math.ceil(num) - Ceiling NumericValue of number
  • math.floor(num) - Floor NumericValue of number
  • math.neg(num) - Negative NumericValue of number

String functions

  • str.len(str) - NumericValue length of provided string
  • str.lower(str) - Lower case StringValue of provided string
  • str.upper(str) - Upper case StringValue of provided string
  • str.substr(str, beginInclusive[, endExclusive]) - Substring StringValue of provided string that starts at beginInclusive and ends before endExclusive or the end of the string if endExclusive is not provided.
  • str.match(regex, str) - true BooleanValue is regex matches str

Json path functions

  • path.exists(path) - true BooleanValue if field for the given path exists in provided json

Json pointer functions

  • pointer.exists(pointer) - true BooleanValue if field for the given pointer exists in provided json

System functions

  • sys.epoch() - Epoch value milliseconds as NumericValue

Date functions

  • - Current time in epoch milliseconds as NumericValue
  • date.second_of_minute() - The current second as NumericValue of the minute (value between 0-59)
  • date.minute_of_hour() - The current minute as NumericValue of the hour (value between 0-59)
  • date.hour_of_day() - The current hour as NumericValue of the day (value between 0-24)
  • date.day_of_week() - The current day as NumericValue of the week (value between 1-7 where 1=MONDAY; 2=TUESDAY; ... 6=SATURDAY; 7=SUNDAY)
  • date.day_of_month() - The current day as NumericValue of the month (value between 1-31)
  • date.day_of_year() - The current day as NumericValue of the year (value between 1-366)
  • date.week_of_month() - The current week as NumericValue of the month (value between 1-5)
  • date.week_of_year() - The current week as NumericValue of the year (value between 1-53)
  • date.month_of_year() - The current month as NumericValue of the year (value between 1-12)
  • date.year() - The current year as NumericValue (like 2024)
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