InstaPhoto is a distributed system, composed of five applications
- A server in which photo data and comments related to them must be saved
- A client for said server that will be in charge of supplying the data and files to the server via a CLI
- Supplementary infrastructure to allow the administration and auditing of the system:
- A Logs server where log registries from the main server can be published and read from
- An Administrative server with root access to the ABM of InstaPhoto users
- An Administrative client that allows to interact with the Admin server and with the Logs server through a CLI.
Done using:
- .NET Core (ASP NetCore)
- RabbitMQ
- gRPC protocol
- TCP connections using WebSockets
💡 Parallel client sessions (using threads)
💡 Publisher-Subscriber pattern using a queues provider
💡 Interface exposure for gRPC interaction
Submitted during the course Networks Programming