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Kotlin Js Preview


Kotlin Js Preview is a Intellij Idea plugin that provides a mechanism for previewing Kotlin/JS React functional components.


Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Screenshots
  3. Installation
  4. Configuration
  5. Usage
  6. Contributing
  7. Support
  8. License


  • Live Preview: Display a live preview of the Kotlin/JS React functional component as it's being developed.
  • No Source Code Corruption: Ensures that your source code remains unaltered.
  • Settings: Configure the plugin by navigating to Settings -> Tools -> Kotlin JS Preview.


  • Theme Toggle: Switch between different themes or styles seamlessly to see how the component appears under various themes.
  • Interactive Prop Edits: Allow developers to modify props on-the-fly in the preview pane, seeing how the component reacts to different prop values.
  • Component Tree Visualization: Show a tree structure of the component, including its children, helping developers understand its composition.
  • Dependency Graph: Showcase the dependencies of the component, including state, props, and other components it relies on.
  • Hot Reloading


general-preview settings-preview


  1. Download the plugin via GitHub or JetBrains Marketplace.
  2. Add GitHub maven repository to your settings.gradle.kts file:
   dependencyResolutionManagement { 
       repositories { 
           maven { 
               name = "sanyavertolet/kotlin-js-preview-idea-plugin"
               url = uri("")
               credentials { 
                   username = providers.gradleProperty("gpr.user").orNull ?: System.getenv("GITHUB_ACTOR")
                   password = providers.gradleProperty("gpr.key").orNull ?: System.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN") 

For more information, read GitHub Docs.

  1. Add com.sanyavertolet.kotlinjspreview:core:{PLUGIN_VERSION} to JS SourceSet dependencies in your build.gradle.kts file:
   kotlin {
    sourceSets {
        val jsMain by getting {
            dependencies {
                // other dependencies
  1. Create a wrapper for your JS entrypoint:
fun wrapper(fc: FC<*>) {
    val mainDiv = document.getElementById("wrapper")!!

// Here is how you should use the wrapper 
fun main() = wrapper(default)

Make sure it is marked with @com.sanyavertolet.kotlinjspreview.RootWrapper annotation. The first argument of your wrapper must be an FC to render.

  1. Mark the FC you want to preview with @com.sanyavertolet.kotlinjspreview.JsPreview annotation:
val Welcome = FC {
    var name by useState("sanyavertolet")
    div {
        +"Hello, $name"
    input {
        type = InputType.text
        value = name
        onChange = { event ->
            name =
  1. Click on Run icon that appears near the val Welcome = FC { string. Your project will be copied, modified and built.


For more information see example project.


Plugin configuration is available. To configure it, go to Settings -> Tools -> Kotlin JS Preview.


All the contributions are welcomed! Please see file for details on how to get started.


For support or to report bugs, please open an issue on kotlin-js-preview-idea-plugin issues page.


Kotlin Js Preview is licensed under the MIT Licence. See the LICENSE file for details.