An attempt to use the NixOS ecosystem to deploy and provision my home machines.
Activate the nix development environment with
nix develop
Make the adjustments you need, then run a check without building anything
task check # equivalent to nix "flake check --no-build"
Deploy to the machines using task
task viewscreen # equivalent to "deploy .#viewscreen"
The target node (viewscreen in this case) should already have NixOS installed.
to run a vm, use:
task viewscreen-vm
At the first launch, login eith the user root and password "test", then run reboot
This will load the kodi user services and boot kodi at start.
Install NixOS
Edit /etc/nixos/configuration.nix to add:
nix.settings.experimental-features = [ "nix-command" "flakes" ]; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ git ];
sudo nixos-rebuild switch
Then you can clone the repo and enter the dev environment with nix develop
When you're ready, apply the configuration with
sudo nixos-rebuild --flake .#configName switch
where configName is the nixosConfiguration
that you want to use on the system.
This flake uses nixos-unstable
, because I like to live on the bleeding edge!
To properly get the updated packages, do task update
once in a while
To test a package to be added to nixpkgs, one can use
NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=<local-path> nix-shell --pure -p package-name
For a kodi plugin this would be
NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=<local-path> nix-shell --pure -p "kodi-wayland.withPackages (kp: with kp; [plugin-name])"