Example of a microservice with Scala, Akka, Spray and Camel/ActiveMQ. Based on one of the Typesafe Activator templates.
Project contains:
- Easy to test Akka system with a sample actor
- Spray-based RESTful API with full CORS support
- Actor and API sample tests
- Camel/ActiveMQ extension for a handy integration with Akka system
- Typesafe config with different profiles for production and testing environments
- Logback-SLF4J logging
- Sbt assembly plugin for JAR-file creation with custom merge strategy
POST /api/example1/test (Example1Routes)
GET /api/example1/done (Example1Routes)
GET /api/example1/service/{serviceID}/{command} (Example1Routes)
GET /api/example2 (Example2Routes)
To run simply use:
sbt run
Run tests with:
sbt test
To build & run:
sbt assembly
And then run JAR as usual, something like this:
nohup java -jar target/scala-2.11/akka-microservice-assembly-1.0.jar 1>/dev/null 2>&1 &