A library providing esewa payment integration to react native applications
⚠️ For IOS development Please add following postinstall script to package.jsonThis verifies and select the suitable esewa sdk of IOS for your environment.
"postinstall": "sh node_modules/rn-esewa/scripts/select_esewa_ios_build.sh"
⚠️ For Android development Please add following code to project level build.gradleallprojects { repositories { ... maven { url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/sapkotamadhusudan/rn-esewa") credentials { username = "public" password = "\u0067hp_6g5exZNHoyx0TlQkEEeMpC4gT7aKhv3hiPHq" } } } }
npm install rn-esewa
yarn add rn-esewa
import eSewaPaymentSDK, { eSewaOptions, eSewaPaymentResponse } from 'rn-esewa';
const options = {
isDevelopment: true,
clientId: <eSewa merchantId>,
clientSecret: <eSewa merchantSecrect>,
productId: new Date().getTime().toString(),
productName: 'Payment for RN-Esewa Module',
productPrice: '1',
callbackUrl: 'https://your-backend-api.com',
const paymentCallback = (response: eSewaPaymentResponse) => {
const { completed, proofOfPayment, didCancel, errorMessage } = response;
if (completed) {
console.debug('ProofOfPayment', proofOfPayment);
} else if (didCancel) {
console.info('Payment is canceled by user');
} else {
`Could not complete the payment due to ${
errorMessage || 'an unknown error'
eSewaPaymentSDK.initiatePayment(options, paymentCallback);
See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.