IMF gadget api challenge, this is currently deployed.
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Tech Stack - Node.js, Express and PostgreSQL
API server and PostgreSQL Database server are both deployed on Render.
- retrieve a list of all gadgets on the database
- also shows a success percentage (randomly generated)
- add new gadgets to the database
- send codename as request parameter to created new gadget
- update existing gadget information
- send the status as request parameter to update the gadget
- remove a gadget from the inventory
- its status will be marked as decommissioned
- a timestamp will also be added
- special feature
- will destroy the gadget in a fraction of 60 seconds
- but will need the confirmation code
- which will be in the response
- Robust authentication system
- A search function to filter gadgets by status
Install Node.js and npm To install all the packages use the below command
npm install
To run the server
npx nodemon app.js
These are images of postman outputs for the various features
- request body contain the codeword
- server responded with all the parameters for storing the gadget in the database
- passing the gadget id in the url and
- request body containing the status to update
- server responded with updated status of gadget