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Nicácio Arruda Bezerra Neto edited this page Mar 24, 2016 · 1 revision

1. Architectural Representation

Our software will have an architectural pattern done in layers , and more specifically it uses the MVC (Model View Controller ) using this architecture will partition the design into three layers , thus easier to solve problems and to the progression of the project.

Figure 1 - Representation of Architecture .

  • View : This is the part that will make interaction with the player through a graphical interface.
  • Model: The model layer will make the interaction with the database , it is responsible for organizing the data in accordance with the business model of our software , and save the system data when requested by the Controller layer , and the rescue when requested by the Controller layer.
  • Controller : The part that will make the interaction layer View with Model. The controller makes the necessary steps to return the expected results to the user

2. Architectural Goals and restrictions

The product developed has the following restrictions regarding the implementation and architecture : The MVC architecture is used , which seeks to distribute the system in three layers , thereby allowing greater flexibility for communication with the user's visual system layer. It will be developed in Ruby on Rails in the following versions : Ruby 2.2.0 and Rails version 4.1. It will be integrated with the Ionic Unicorn . It will be used relational database MySQL . The system can only be accessed when the user is connected to internet. It notes that the system will be encoded using standards and metrics development to facilitate code maintenance and allow others to understand the functioning of the technical way system.

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