Organizational Web Application (Node App)
A server enpoint for headless application I am building called stickys, an organizational web application where you can store important notes and todos as sticky notes. The project is build in Node.js in conjunction with Express.js. The project also ultilizies, jsonwebtoken, mongodb + mongoose for schemas and database connection, along with bcrypt.js for authentification and hashing. The server endpoints are currently up and hosted but I am still working on finishing the design for the react portion of the application (github link for that is here.)
Link to project: vist here
Tech used: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, REST apis, json webtoken, bcrypt.js
Optimizations: In the future I would like to add addtional options ot schemas so that users can change colors of the site as personalization.
Working on adding a video here so people do not need to make an account to see functionality!