Releases: satnaing/astro-paper
Releases · satnaing/astro-paper
What's Changed
- update docker-compose by @eerison in #475
- update import location in giscus example by @eerison in #474
- add an option to disable dynamic OG image generation by @satnaing in #476
- remove unused
size validation by @satnaing in #462 - correct Google Fonts API URL construction for proper weight fetching
- align vertically in header nav by @alec-c4 in #460
- add font-weight param in og image card style by @pujan-modha #453
- update giscus integration guide for AstroPaper v5 by @eerison in #472
- update color schemes guide for AstroPaper v5 by @eerison in #469
- update LaTeX equations guide in Astro blog posts by @satnaing in #461
New Contributors
- @pujan-modha made their first contribution in #453
- @alec-c4 made their first contribution in #460
Full Changelog: v5.0.0...v5.0.1
AstroPaper v5
Breaking Changes
- Upgraded to Astro v5
- Migrated to TailwindCSS v4
- Replaced React + Fuse.js with Pagefind
- Moved to
- Replaced icons with Astro's SVG component
- Updated import alias to
instead of@directory
Read more about AstroPaper v5.
Full Changelog: v4.8.0...v5.0.0
What's Changed
This will be the last release before AstroPaper v5
Bug fixes and others
- replace twitter with x by @eerison in #407
- docs: update est readingTime blog post by @satnaing in #409
- focus search input on mount by @SebSept in #414
- sort archive posts by pubDatetime by @xiecang in #415
- add inline-block class to post title for improved view transition animation by @Yamabuki-bakery in #420
- exclude
from sitemap if it is disabled by @kkomelin in #425 - update copyright to 2025 by @linus-md in #426
- use tag name for display in tags page by @zhaozigu in #438
New Contributors
- @SebSept made their first contribution in #414
- @xiecang made their first contribution in #415
- @Yamabuki-bakery made their first contribution in #420
- @kkomelin made their first contribution in #425
- @linus-md made their first contribution in #426
Full Changelog: v4.7.0...v4.8.0
What's Changed
- feat: add archives page with configurable menu by @barnett617 in #386
Full Changelog: v4.6.0...v4.7.0
What's Changed
- feat: add edit post feature in blog posts by @barnett617 in #384
- fix: remove duplicate [page].astro by @floatingpurr in #389
New Contributors
- @barnett617 made their first contribution in #384
Full Changelog: v4.5.1...v4.6.0
What's Changed
Bug Fixes
- fix: add missing posts sorting by @robhudson in #383
- fix(docs): update giscus blog post by @eerison in #392
- build(deps): bump vite from 5.4.3 to 5.4.6 by @dependabot in #382
- build(deps): bump rollup from 4.21.2 to 4.22.4 by @dependabot in #390
New Contributors
- @robhudson made their first contribution in #383
Full Changelog: v4.5.0...v4.5.1
What's Changed
- feat: add prev/next links at the bottom of blog post by @satnaing in #372
- feat: use Astro's built-in pagination by @DerTimonius in #376
Fixes and Performance Improvement
- fix(blog): correct file reference in reading time guide by @fzhnf in #359
- fix(og): add the missing to loadGoogleFonts by @xuannghia in #360
- perf: preload font and load theme script asynchronously by @satnaing in #380
Blog Post
- add a blog post for rendering LaTeX by @albertoperdomo2 in #373
- build(deps): bump micromatch from 4.0.7 to 4.0.8 by @appleflyerv3 in #368
- build(deps): bump dset from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4 by @dependabot in #377
- build(deps): bump path-to-regexp from 6.2.2 to 6.3.0 by @dependabot in #379
- build(deps): upgrade dependencies by @satnaing in #381
New Contributors
- @fzhnf made their first contribution in #359
- @appleflyerv3 made their first contribution in #368
- @xuannghia made their first contribution in #360
- @albertoperdomo2 made their first contribution in #373
- @DerTimonius made their first contribution in #376
Full Changelog: v4.4.0...v4.5.0
New Content Layer API
- upgrade ESLint to v9 and update configurations by @satnaing in #356
- replace github-slugger with lodash.kebabcase by @alejandronanez in #357
New Contributors
- @alejandronanez made their first contribution in #357
Full Changelog: v4.3.2...v4.4.0
What's Changed
Bug Fix
Docs Update
- docs: update pre-commit hook blog post by @satnaing in #344
- docs: add instructions for Google Site Verification in AstroPaper by @satnaing in #353
- docs: update estimated reading time blog post by @satnaing in #354
- ci: add CI workflow by @satnaing in #340
- build: bump astro from 4.12.2 to 4.13 by @satnaing in #341
- refactor: update tailwind classes to v3 syntax by @satnaing in #345
Full Changelog: v4.3.1...v4.3.2
What's Changed
- fix: resolve non-latin character issue in generated OG images by @cantpr09ram in #318
New Contributors
- @cantpr09ram made their first contribution in #318
Full Changelog: v4.3.0...v4.3.1