Setup and Activate virtual environment (name of environment - env)
Install requirements and Execute script files
a) pip install -r requirements.txt b) sh scripts/script.sh c) sh scripts/glove.sh
Execute project setup File
python setup.py develop
**dataset_generate.py** -
a) Write the module to Create the training dataset (train.csv)
**dataset.py** -
a) Create Tensor from training dataset [set the filename of training dataset (train.csv in constants/constant.json under ***dataset_config.dataset_file*** key.
b) Save the LabelEncoder for label to one-hot vector & vice-versa mapping in *data* folder
**model.py** -
a) The module responsible for defining Neural Network Architecture, its error and optimization function
**train.py** -
a) The module responsible for training the model for action item classification
b) Once all the dataset and configuration (set the configuration in **constants/constants.json** file) run the following for training the model - ***python module/train.py***
c) Once the training is over set the best model filename in *constants/constant.json* file under **predict_config.best_model_name** key for prediction with model
d) Use following command from **project** folder to view training and validation loos & metrics:
tensorboard --logdir=runs
a) Pass list on input to predict the output label
**utils** Folder -
a) **utils.py** - It contains the utility methods related to data-preprocessing, vectorization, finding evaluation metric, etc.
b) **constant_reader.py** - It is used to read the hyper-parameter and other constants
**data** Folder
b) **target.pkl** - Label Encoder for encoding and Decoding Label Name to and from its one-hot representation