Url: http://savjaylade.pythonanywhere.com/
Simple green day fanpage website that has
music and album of green day band
1.) install python version 3 - for window download the installer - for linux follow the command below.
pkg install python pip
2.) go to your command prompt or terminal then install the flask library of python.
pip install flask
3.) donwload this repository and unzip.
4.) go to your command prompt or terminal then find the repository as your current directory
5.) run the init.py by following one of the commands(choose which work for you).
py init.py
python init.py
python3 init.py
python <file path>/init.py
python3 <file path>/init.py
6.) after running successfully it will output a url link that you use to access the website in the browser.
if any issue or concerns in the repository just hit that issue in repository for me to solve it.
have any concerns or want a little chat with me just email at [email protected]