Author: John Jayson B. De Leon
Github: savjaylade84
Email: [email protected]
Portfolio: Jisun
First Version: 1.30v
Current Version: 2.61v => 3.50v
Functionality For User
- login account
- change pin
- signup account
- deposite a money
- withdraw a money
- check a balance
- transaction history
- exit a transaction
- exit a system
Functionality For Admin (Under-Developement)
- login admin user
- admin view account list
- admin view the admin edit history
- admin view account history
- admin edit account
- admin change password
- admin view account
- exit a system
For Developer Only(Me)
- logging
- testing - using unittest package
all the accounts in the accounts folder are now in json and pin/password are in encrypted(hash and salt)