Sidebar - Widget for Sbbw
This widget is intended to show as an example how to implement what is needed to work with sbbw, as well as providing examples and necessary configurations.
- Power control (Shutdown, Reboot, Suspend, lock)
- Battery status
- Brightness control
- Volume control (Only for linux)
- Media control (Only for linux)
/Sidebar config.toml vite.config.js /scripts / / /volume / / /autostart / /requirements.txt /ui /index.html /assets/ /src /assets/ /components/ /providers/ index.css main.jsx
This contains all settings for sbbw
This contains all settings for vite development and build (the ui folder is build output)
This is the power control script, it is used to control the power of the system with popup to confirm
This is the brightness control script, it is used to control the brightness of the screen
This is the volume control script, it is used to control the volume of the system
This is the media control script, it is used to control the media of the system
This is the os provider, like as battery information, network information, etc.
This is the main script, it is used to change config.toml with specific values, like as position of windows for adaptative for all users with diferent monitors
This is the requirements file, it is used to install all dependencies for the main script
All contributions are welcome :D