SBitter is SBHX's Twitter clone. We're writing many such clones using various languages and frameworks for comparison, then tying them together into a federated network that anyone can join.
A "SBitter" is a user of this unique and impressive service
Each message is "SBit"
The act of sending a message is known as "SBitting"
If you sent a SBit, you "SBot" (past tense)
If this becomes a language/framework/technology competition, here are some ideas for how each app should be scored:
Speed (requests/second)
SLOC (source lines of code)
Scalability (performance under load v. not)
Memory use (per request, both under load v. not)
Logical match-ups include Rails v. Django for succinctness, and Go v. JavaScript/Node v. Clojure/Erlang/Scala/etc rated on speed and scalability.
[UPDATE: 2014.05.27]
Entrants so far:
Go + MongoDB version by @elimisteve
Django 1.4 + Postgres version by @ajvb
Add yours here!
Why throw away perfectly good Twitter clones when we could instead build a federated network out of them?
We'll design and implement an API so that anyone, including fellow super-geeks and hackerspaces, can build their own compatible SBitter node and join in!
Register, sign in, and SBit from SBHX's (for example), but follow SBitters SBitting from their own independent server