A Javascript app to browse and visualize data from the Supreme Chi-Town Coding Crew's Cook County Jail API (source).
Clone the repo:
git clone git://github.com/sc3/26thandcalifornia.git
If you have Python, start a local server:
cd 26thandcalifornia/app
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Now visit http://localhost:8000
in your web browser.
Create Backbone views based on our special JailView
extended view object and
export them as AMD modules.
If you create a file called views/StatisticsandmeasurementsView.js
, it will automatically be made
available at #statisticsandmeasurements/
Here's a very basic view:
function(JailView) {
var StatisticsandmeasurementsView = JailView.extend({
render: function() {
this.$el.html('Hello world');
return this;
return StatisticsandmeasurementsView;
JailView objects can also accept a collection to load before rendering:
function(JailView, InmateCollection) {
var LoadcollectionView = JailView.extend({
collection: new InmateCollection(),
render: function() {
this.$el.html('This renders once inmate data is retrieved.');
return this;
return LoadcollectionView;
You'll need s3cmd. In OS X you can brew install s3cmd
and in Ubuntu sudo apt-get install s3cmd
should do the trick.
Configure s3cmd with your credentials: s3cmd --configure
Now run deploy.sh to sync files: ./deploy.sh