To run these examples you'll need to run an interactive SLURM job on one of the Maxwell GPU nodes:
$ salloc --partition=maxwell --account=sc3260 --time=2:00:00 --gres=gpu:1
This will give you one CPU core and one NVIDIA Titan X Maxwell GPU.
To build the examples make sure you have a recent version of CUDA loaded into your environment:
$ setpkgs -a cuda7.5
To get information about the device (i.e. GPU) try running the following:
$ /usr/local/cuda-7.5/samples/1_Utilities/deviceQuery/deviceQuery
- vector-addition
- CPU-version
- Single-block-GPU-version
- tiled-GPU-version
- matrix-multiply
- cpu-version
- naive
- tiled
- shared-memory
- multi-gpu