Radio Communications Research Info Sharing Repository
Every effort has been made to ensure the data is as accurate and up to date as is possible where applicable.
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#Codan NGT-ARv / NGT-SRx / Envoy profiles
These Codan Radio Profiles are made available for Amateur and or Outpost Station Use for VK (Australia)
- specifically made available for Advanced LCD operators however portions may have use cases for other interested parties.
Feel Free to use and modify (delete) channel records as necessary with your handset as is the case for the envoy profile to suit your particular OutPost provider system(s) / type of radio.
Some mode options may not be available with your particular hardware. This profile will not correct those issues. Mode Options need to be obtained and provided from an authorised options dealer or service agent while the product is still in support.
The Callsign and selcall numbers have to be changed to your credentials before use. Search NOCALL 123... 0000 ETC :)
DON'T CONTACT THE AUTHOR for a copy of the NSP program or to do changes to a profile especially the Envoy Profile. No correspondence will be entered into with respect to this. Refusal may offend.