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log4effect Maven Central License

If you missed some syntax for logging with Cats Effect, then here it is.

Getting started

Library is available for Scala 2.11, 2.12, 2.13.

Add it with:

libraryDependencies += "io.scalaland" %% "log4effect" % log4EffectVersion


Logging is done using Logged type class:

import cats.effect.Sync
import io.scalaland.log4effect.Logged

def operation[F[_]: Sync: Logged] = for {
  a <- Sync[F].defer(1 + 1)
  b <- Sync[F].defer(2 + 2)
  _ <- Logged[F].info(s"a = $a b=$b")
} yield a -> b

If you want you can use interpolator syntax - it assumes that there is cats.Show instance for any value that you use in it.

import cats.implicits._
import io.scalaland.log4effect.Logged
import io.scalaland.log4effect.syntax._

val i = 1
val d = 1.0
val s = "test"

def logs[F[_]: Monad: Logged] = for {
  _ <- trace"$i $d $s"[F]
  _ <- trace"$i $d $s".withEx[F](new Exception("with ex"))
  _ <- debug"$i $d $s"[F]
  _ <- debug"$i $d $s".withEx[F](new Exception("with ex"))
  _ <- info"$i $d $s"[F]
  _ <- info"$i $d $s".withEx[F](new Exception("with ex"))
  _ <- warn"$i $d $s"[F]
  _ <- warn"$i $d $s".withEx[F](new Exception("with ex"))
  _ <- error"$i $d $s"[F]
  _ <- error"$i $d $s".withEx[F](new Exception("with ex"))
} yield ()

If there is no cats.Show you'd have to call .toString explicitly.