yaltl is a terminal launcher
yaltl - Yet Another Linux Terminal Launcher
- clang
- C++20
- ftxui - For TUI
- giomm - For drun
- gtkmm - For recent documents
- i3ipcpp - For i3/sway window switching
- pcre2 - regex (will fallback to C++11 regex implementation if not found)
- mtl - For vanity
cd yaltl
export CC=clang
export CXX=clang++
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
- dmenu - Only accessibly by using
- Reads from stdin and outputs selection to stdout
- Will not run with any other modes since there may be unexpected behavior
- drun - Run from installed desktop applications
- recent - Lists recently used documents to open
- run - Run binary from PATH
- i3wm - Window switcher for i3wm/sway
- Script - Run a script
- Results will be passed back to the script
- Continued output to stdout will cause yaltl to continue to display the new results
- Esc - Cancel out of yaltl
- Tab - Next Mode
- Shift+Tab - Previous Mode
Example uses alacritty
Set up your menu command:
for_window [app_id="yaltl"] floating enable, border pixel 2, sticky enable
set $menu exec alacritty --class yaltl -d 80 10 -e sh -c 'yaltl -m drun,run,i3wm'
i3 appears to have parse errors when trying to launch yaltl with args, so we use a launch script.
Create a launch script ~/.config/i3/scripts/launch_yaltl
#!/usr/bin/env sh
yaltl -m drun,run,i3wm
Set up your menu command:
for_window [instance="yaltl"] floating enable, border pixel 2, sticky enable
set $menu exec alacritty --class yaltl -d 80 10 -e sh -c '~/.config/i3/scripts/launch_yaltl'