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updating EEGLAB #170

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GitHub Actions / MATLAB Test R2021b failed Jan 6, 2024 in 1s

MATLAB Test R2021b ❌

Tests failed

❌ test-results/results_R2021b.xml

705 tests were completed in 1230s with 559 passed, 146 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
adminfunc_eeg_checkchanlocs_wrapperTest 1✅ 217ms
adminfunc_eeg_getdatact_wrapperTest 1✅ 242ms
adminfunc_eeg_global_wrapperTest 1✅ 9ms
adminfunc_eeg_helpadmin_wrapperTest 1✅ 71ms
adminfunc_eeg_helphelp_wrapperTest 1✅ 1s
adminfunc_eeg_helpmenu_wrapperTest 1✅ 5ms
adminfunc_eeg_helppop_wrapperTest 1✅ 5ms
adminfunc_eeg_helpsigproc_wrapperTest 1✅ 5ms
adminfunc_eeg_helpstudy_wrapperTest 1✅ 7ms
adminfunc_eeg_hist_wrapperTest 1✅ 7ms
adminfunc_eeg_options_wrapperTest 1✅ 3ms
adminfunc_eeg_optionsbackup_wrapperTest 1✅ 3ms
adminfunc_eeg_readoptions_wrapperTest 2✅ 30ms
adminfunc_eeg_retrieve_wrapperTest 5✅ 162ms
adminfunc_eeg_store_wrapperTest 8✅ 3s
adminfunc_eegh_wrapperTest 13✅ 29ms
adminfunc_eeglab_error_wrapperTest 1✅ 1ms
adminfunc_eeglab_execmenu_wrapperTest 1✅ 18s
adminfunc_eeglab_options_wrapperTest 1✅ 22ms
adminfunc_eegobj_wrapperTest 1✅ 1s
adminfunc_gethelpvar_wrapperTest 6✅ 71ms
adminfunc_getkeyval_wrapperTest 15✅ 224ms
adminfunc_gettext_wrapperTest 1✅ 1ms
adminfunc_is_sccn_wrapperTest 1✅ 94ms
adminfunc_iseeglabdeployed_wrapperTest 1✅ 5ms
adminfunc_mmo_wrapperTest 15✅ 1❌ 19s
adminfunc_pop_delset_wrapperTest 5✅ 223ms
adminfunc_pop_editoptions_wrapperTest 1✅ 1ms
adminfunc_pop_rejmenu_wrapperTest 1❌ 125ms
adminfunc_pop_stdwarn_wrapperTest 1✅ 1ms
adminfunc_vararg2str_wrapperTest 1✅ 26ms
binary_loadcnt_wrapperTest 1✅ 2s
binary_pop_biosig_wrapperTest 2✅ 4s
binary_pop_chancoresp_wrapperTest 9✅ 540ms
binary_pop_chanevent_wrapperTest 1✅ 3s
binary_pop_importegimat_wrapperTest 1✅ 194ms
binary_pop_importpres_wrapperTest 1✅ 827ms
binary_pop_loadbv_wrapperTest 1✅ 458ms
binary_pop_loadcnt_wrapperTest 1❌ 2s
binary_pop_read_erpss_wrapperTest 1✅ 2s
binary_pop_readegi_wrapperTest 1✅ 172ms
binary_pop_readsegegi_wrapperTest 1✅ 800ms
binary_pop_snapread_wrapperTest 1✅ 319ms
binary_readbdf_wrapperTest 1✅ 52ms
binary_readegi_wrapperTest 1✅ 24ms
binary_snapread_wrapperTest 1✅ 76ms
clean_rawdata_wrapperTest 6❌ 317ms
eeglab_tests_wrapperTest 2✅ 125s
guifunc_errordlg2_wrapperTest 1✅ 1ms
guifunc_finputcheck_wrapperTest 8✅ 33ms
guifunc_inputdlg2_wrapperTest 5✅ 4ms
guifunc_inputgui_wrapperTest 10✅ 8ms
guifunc_listdlg2_wrapperTest 10✅ 7ms
guifunc_pophelp_wrapperTest 1✅ 12s
guifunc_supergui_wrapperTest 1✅ 6s
miscfunc_abspeak_wrapperTest 9✅ 28ms
miscfunc_averef_wrapperTest 4✅ 9ms
miscfunc_covary_wrapperTest 5✅ 15ms
miscfunc_datlim_wrapperTest 3✅ 7ms
miscfunc_eeg_ms2f_wrapperTest 4✅ 9ms
miscfunc_eeg_regepochs_wrapperTest 2❌ 384ms
miscfunc_eeg_time2prev_wrapperTest 1✅ 2ms
miscfunc_eegmovie_wrapperTest 2✅ 2ms
miscfunc_eegplotgold_wrapperTest 6✅ 929ms
miscfunc_eegplotsold_wrapperTest 3✅ 301ms
miscfunc_eucl_wrapperTest 1✅ 113ms
miscfunc_gabor2d_wrapperTest 4✅ 32ms
miscfunc_gauss_wrapperTest 1✅ 7ms
miscfunc_gauss2d_wrapperTest 2✅ 11ms
miscfunc_gauss3d_wrapperTest 1✅ 14ms
miscfunc_getallmenus_wrapperTest 1✅ 81ms
miscfunc_getipsph_wrapperTest 1✅ 20ms
miscfunc_gradmap_wrapperTest 3✅ 840ms
miscfunc_gradplot_wrapperTest 4✅ 496ms
miscfunc_headmovie_wrapperTest 3✅ 2s
miscfunc_help2html_wrapperTest 2✅ 2ms
miscfunc_helpforexe_wrapperTest 1✅ 273ms
miscfunc_hist2_wrapperTest 1✅ 168ms
miscfunc_hungarian_wrapperTest 8✅ 44ms
miscfunc_icademo_wrapperTest 1✅ 1ms
miscfunc_imagescloglog_wrapperTest 6✅ 377ms
miscfunc_imagesclogy_wrapperTest 6✅ 293ms
miscfunc_kmeans_st_wrapperTest 1✅ 858ms
miscfunc_laplac2d_wrapperTest 4✅ 13ms
miscfunc_loc_subsets_wrapperTest 1✅ 30s
miscfunc_make_timewarp_wrapperTest 1❌ 93ms
miscfunc_makehtml_output_wrapperTest 2✅ 87ms
miscfunc_makehtml_wrapperTest 1✅ 2ms
miscfunc_mapcorr_wrapperTest 1✅ 20s
miscfunc_matcorr_wrapperTest 8✅ 39ms
miscfunc_matperm_wrapperTest 1✅ 7ms
miscfunc_means_wrapperTest 1✅ 27ms
miscfunc_nan_std_wrapperTest 4✅ 11ms
miscfunc_numdim_wrapperTest 4✅ 17ms
miscfunc_pcexpand_wrapperTest 2✅ 7ms
miscfunc_pcsquash_wrapperTest 3✅ 16ms
miscfunc_perminv_wrapperTest 1✅ 5ms
miscfunc_promax_wrapperTest 5✅ 63ms
miscfunc_rmart_wrapperTest 1✅ 14ms
miscfunc_rmsave_wrapperTest 1✅ 11ms
miscfunc_runicalowmem_wrapperTest 1❌ 182ms
miscfunc_runpca_wrapperTest 1✅ 10ms
miscfunc_runpca2_wrapperTest 1❌ 110ms
miscfunc_scanfold_wrapperTest 1✅ 2s
miscfunc_seemovie_wrapperTest 1✅ 1ms
miscfunc_setfont_wrapperTest 1✅ 132ms
miscfunc_shortread_wrapperTest 1✅ 83ms
miscfunc_show_events_wrapperTest 1❌ 492ms
miscfunc_testica_wrapperTest 1✅ 1s
miscfunc_textgui_wrapperTest 1✅ 104ms
miscfunc_uniqe_cell_string_wrapperTest 1✅ 7ms
miscfunc_uniquef_wrapperTest 1✅ 5ms
miscfunc_varimax_wrapperTest 1✅ 92ms
miscfunc_varsort_wrapperTest 1❌ 114ms
miscfunc_vectdata_wrapperTest 1✅ 705ms
miscfunc_zica_wrapperTest 1❌ 107ms
popfunc_eeg_addnewevents_wrapperTest 1✅ 1ms
popfunc_eeg_amplitudearea_wrapperTest 1✅ 69ms
popfunc_eeg_chaninds_wrapperTest 1❌ 56ms
popfunc_eeg_context_wrapperTest 1✅ 413ms
popfunc_eeg_decodechan_wrapperTest 1❌ 55ms
popfunc_eeg_eegrej_wrapperTest 1✅ 1❌ 578ms
popfunc_eeg_emptyset_wrapperTest 1✅ 2ms
popfunc_eeg_eventhist_wrapperTest 1✅ 302ms
popfunc_eeg_eventtypes_wrapperTest 1❌ 81ms
popfunc_eeg_getepochevent_wrapperTest 5✅ 43ms
popfunc_eeg_getica_wrapperTest 1❌ 57ms
popfunc_eeg_insertbound_wrapperTest 1✅ 30ms
popfunc_eeg_interp_wrapperTest 1✅ 1❌ 62ms
popfunc_eeg_lat2point_wrapperTest 6✅ 24ms
popfunc_eeg_matchchans_wrapperTest 2✅ 22ms
popfunc_eeg_mergechan_wrapperTest 1✅ 128ms
popfunc_eeg_mergelocs_wrapperTest 1✅ 171ms
popfunc_eeg_multieegplot_wrapperTest 3✅ 922ms
popfunc_eeg_point2lat_wrapperTest 6✅ 13ms
popfunc_eeg_rejsuperpose_wrapperTest 5✅ 25ms
popfunc_eeg_timeinterp_wrapperTest 1❌ 66ms
popfunc_eeg_urlatency_wrapperTest 2✅ 5ms
popfunc_getchanlist_wrapperTest 4✅ 12ms
popfunc_importevent_wrapperTest 2✅ 79ms
popfunc_pop_adjustevents_wrapperTest 2❌ 119ms
popfunc_pop_autorej_wrapperTest 1❌ 55ms
popfunc_pop_chancenter_wrapperTest 3✅ 1❌ 130ms
popfunc_pop_chanedit_wrapperTest 1❌ 52ms
popfunc_pop_chansel_wrapperTest 1✅ 1ms
popfunc_pop_comments_wrapperTest 2✅ 1❌ 87ms
popfunc_pop_compareerps_wrapperTest 2✅ 2ms
popfunc_pop_comperp_wrapperTest 1❌ 62ms
popfunc_pop_copyset_wrapperTest 1✅ 1❌ 239ms
popfunc_pop_crossf_wrapperTest 1✅ 1❌ 494ms
popfunc_pop_delset_wrapperTest 1❌ 53ms
popfunc_pop_editeventfield_wrapperTest 17❌ 703ms
popfunc_pop_editeventvals_wrapperTest 1❌ 51ms
popfunc_pop_editset_wrapperTest 1✅ 1ms
popfunc_pop_eegfilt_wrapperTest 1❌ 53ms
popfunc_pop_eegplot_wrapperTest 1❌ 52ms
popfunc_pop_eegthresh_wrapperTest 1❌ 71ms
popfunc_pop_envtopo_wrapperTest 1❌ 54ms
popfunc_pop_epoch_wrapperTest 2❌ 10s
popfunc_pop_erpimage_wrapperTest 1❌ 65ms
popfunc_pop_eventstat_wrapperTest 1❌ 57ms
popfunc_pop_expica_wrapperTest 2✅ 590ms
popfunc_pop_export_wrapperTest 1❌ 58ms
popfunc_pop_headplot_wrapperTest 1❌ 59ms
popfunc_pop_importdata_wrapperTest 1✅ 1ms
popfunc_pop_importepoch_wrapperTest 1✅ 395ms
popfunc_pop_importevent_wrapperTest 1✅ 3s
popfunc_pop_interp_wrapperTest 1❌ 58ms
popfunc_pop_jointprob_wrapperTest 1❌ 58ms
popfunc_pop_loadset_wrapperTest 1❌ 73ms
popfunc_pop_mergeset_wrapperTest 1❌ 55ms
popfunc_pop_newcrossf_wrapperTest 1❌ 64ms
popfunc_pop_newset_wrapperTest 1❌ 54ms
popfunc_pop_plotdata_wrapperTest 1❌ 61ms
popfunc_pop_plottopo_wrapperTest 1❌ 54ms
popfunc_pop_prop_wrapperTest 1❌ 79ms
popfunc_pop_readlocs_wrapperTest 1✅ 115ms
popfunc_pop_rejchan_wrapperTest 1❌ 58ms
popfunc_pop_rejchanspec_wrapperTest 1❌ 54ms
popfunc_pop_rejepoch_wrapperTest 1❌ 59ms
popfunc_pop_rejkurt_wrapperTest 1❌ 54ms
popfunc_pop_rejspec_wrapperTest 1❌ 61ms
popfunc_pop_rejtrend_wrapperTest 1❌ 63ms
popfunc_pop_reref_wrapperTest 1✅ 1❌ 94ms
popfunc_pop_resample_wrapperTest 3❌ 270ms
popfunc_pop_rmbase_wrapperTest 1❌ 53ms
popfunc_pop_rmdat_wrapperTest 1❌ 60ms
popfunc_pop_runica_wrapperTest 1❌ 55ms
popfunc_pop_runscript_wrapperTest 1✅ 5s
popfunc_pop_saveh_wrapperTest 1❌ 531ms
popfunc_pop_saveset_wrapperTest 1❌ 101ms
popfunc_pop_select_wrapperTest 1❌ 66ms
popfunc_pop_selectcomps_wrapperTest 1❌ 112ms
popfunc_pop_selectevent_wrapperTest 2❌ 220ms
popfunc_pop_signalstat_wrapperTest 1❌ 63ms
popfunc_pop_spectopo_wrapperTest 1❌ 57ms
popfunc_pop_subcomp_wrapperTest 1❌ 56ms
popfunc_pop_timef_wrapperTest 1❌ 58ms
popfunc_pop_timtopo_wrapperTest 1❌ 56ms
popfunc_pop_topoplot_wrapperTest 1❌ 55ms
popfunc_pop_writelocs_wrapperTest 1❌ 53ms
sigprocfunc_angtimewarp_wrapperTest 3✅ 18ms
sigprocfunc_axcopy_wrapperTest 3✅ 505ms
sigprocfunc_blockave_wrapperTest 1✅ 6ms
sigprocfunc_cart2topo_wrapperTest 2✅ 36ms
sigprocfunc_cbar_wrapperTest 5✅ 2s
sigprocfunc_celltomat_wrapperTest 2✅ 9ms
sigprocfunc_chancenter_wrapperTest 5✅ 75ms
sigprocfunc_concatdata_wrapperTest 1✅ 10ms
sigprocfunc_convertlocs_wrapperTest 1✅ 11ms
sigprocfunc_copyaxis_wrapperTest 1✅ 427ms
sigprocfunc_eegfilt_wrapperTest 1✅ 318ms
sigprocfunc_eegplot_wrapperTest 5✅ 1s
sigprocfunc_eegplot2event_wrapperTest 6✅ 26ms
sigprocfunc_eegplot2trial_wrapperTest 5✅ 30ms
sigprocfunc_eegrej_wrapperTest 4✅ 424ms
sigprocfunc_eegthresh_wrapperTest 7✅ 39ms
sigprocfunc_entropy_rej_wrapperTest 8✅ 42ms
sigprocfunc_env_wrapperTest 2✅ 22ms
sigprocfunc_envtopo_wrapperTest 1❌ 77ms
sigprocfunc_epoch_wrapperTest 5❌ 379ms
sigprocfunc_erpimage_wrapperTest 8✅ 950ms
sigprocfunc_eventalign_wrapperTest 3✅ 9ms
sigprocfunc_eventlock_wrapperTest 2✅ 2ms
sigprocfunc_eyelike_wrapperTest 5✅ 19ms
sigprocfunc_fastif_wrapperTest 4✅ 7ms
sigprocfunc_fdr_wrapperTest 1✅ 44ms
sigprocfunc_floatread_wrapperTest 5✅ 20ms
sigprocfunc_floatwrite_wrapperTest 2✅ 419ms
sigprocfunc_forcelocs_wrapperTest 2✅ 31ms
sigprocfunc_headplot_wrapperTest 5✅ 6s
sigprocfunc_icadefs_wrapperTest 1✅ 12ms
sigprocfunc_jointprob_wrapperTest 8✅ 26ms
sigprocfunc_kmeanscluster_wrapperTest 1✅ 15ms
sigprocfunc_kurt_wrapperTest 4✅ 35ms
sigprocfunc_loadeeg_wrapperTest 1✅ 1ms
sigprocfunc_loadtxt_wrapperTest 8✅ 61ms
sigprocfunc_matsel_wrapperTest 2✅ 6ms
sigprocfunc_mattocell_wrapperTest 2✅ 4ms
sigprocfunc_movav_wrapperTest 10✅ 49ms
sigprocfunc_nan_mean_wrapperTest 4✅ 8ms
sigprocfunc_newtimef_wrapperTest 2✅ 1s
sigprocfunc_parsetxt_wrapperTest 3✅ 11ms
sigprocfunc_plotcurve_wrapperTest 1❌ 1s
sigprocfunc_posact_wrapperTest 3✅ 19ms
sigprocfunc_quantile_wrapperTest 5✅ 43ms
sigprocfunc_readeetraklocs_wrapperTest 2✅ 2ms
sigprocfunc_readegilocs_wrapperTest 1✅ 388ms
sigprocfunc_readelp_wrapperTest 1✅ 13ms
sigprocfunc_readlocs_wrapperTest 2✅ 83ms
sigprocfunc_readneurodat_wrapperTest 1✅ 21ms
sigprocfunc_readtxtfile_wrapperTest 1✅ 7ms
sigprocfunc_realproba_wrapperTest 3✅ 6ms
sigprocfunc_rejkurt_wrapperTest 1❌ 58ms
sigprocfunc_rejtrend_wrapperTest 1❌ 56ms
sigprocfunc_reref_wrapperTest 1❌ 55ms
sigprocfunc_rmbase_wrapperTest 1❌ 54ms
sigprocfunc_runica_ml2_wrapperTest 1❌ 53ms
sigprocfunc_runica_mlb_wrapperTest 1❌ 56ms
sigprocfunc_runica_wrapperTest 12✅ 638ms
sigprocfunc_sbplot_wrapperTest 1✅ 177ms
sigprocfunc_shuffle_wrapperTest 1✅ 15ms
sigprocfunc_slider_wrapperTest 1✅ 319ms
sigprocfunc_timtopo_wrapperTest 1❌ 82ms
sigprocfunc_topoplot_wrapperTest 1❌ 61ms
statcondTest 24✅ 2s
statistics_statcond_wrapperTest 1✅ 316ms
statistics_statcondfieldtrip_wrapperTest 1✅ 11ms
studyfunc_pop_clust_wrapperTest 1❌ 179ms
studyfunc_pop_dipparams_wrapperTest 1❌ 102ms
studyfunc_pop_erpimparams_wrapperTest 1❌ 102ms
studyfunc_pop_erpparams_wrapperTest 1❌ 103ms
studyfunc_pop_erspparams_wrapperTest 1❌ 113ms
studyfunc_pop_specparams_wrapperTest 1❌ 110ms
studyfunc_pop_statparams_wrapperTest 1❌ 99ms
studyfunc_std_dipplot_wrapperTest 1❌ 100ms
studyfunc_std_editset_wrapperTest 1❌ 5s
studyfunc_std_erpplot_wrapperTest 3❌ 468ms
studyfunc_std_erspplot_wrapperTest 2✅ 3❌ 397ms
studyfunc_std_makedesign_wrapperTest 1❌ 100ms
studyfunc_std_preclust_wrapperTest 1❌ 104ms
studyfunc_std_precomp_wrapperTest 1❌ 103ms
studyfunc_std_selectdesign_wrapperTest 1❌ 115ms
studyfunc_std_specplot_wrapperTest 4❌ 445ms
studyfunc_std_topoplot_wrapperTest 1❌ 108ms
tutorial_wrapperTest 9❌ 44s
tutorial2_wrapperTest 1✅ 1❌ 866s

❌ adminfunc_mmo_wrapperTest

❌ test_check_eeglab_mmo
	Error occurred in adminfunc_mmo_wrapperTest/test_check_eeglab_mmo and it did not run to completion.
✅ test_checkmmo
✅ test_checkmmo2
✅ test_checkmmo3
✅ test_checkmmo3_transposed
✅ test_checkmmo4
✅ test_checkmmo4_transposed
✅ test_checkmmo_sub1
✅ test_checkmmo_sub2
✅ test_checkmmo_sub3
✅ test_checkmmo_sub4
✅ test_checkmmo_sub5
✅ test_checkmmo_sub6
✅ test_checkmmo_sub7
✅ test_checkmmo_sub8
✅ test_transposeindices

❌ adminfunc_pop_rejmenu_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_rejmenu
	Error occurred in adminfunc_pop_rejmenu_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_rejmenu and it did not run to completion.

❌ binary_pop_loadcnt_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_loadcnt
	Error occurred in binary_pop_loadcnt_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_loadcnt and it did not run to completion.

❌ clean_rawdata_wrapperTest

❌ test_clean_rawdata_filtering_test
	Error occurred in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest/test_clean_rawdata_filtering_test and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_clean_rawdata_chan_test
	Error occurred in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest/test_clean_rawdata_chan_test and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_clean_rawdata_chanloc_test
	Error occurred in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest/test_clean_rawdata_chanloc_test and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_clean_rawdata_rej_test
	Error occurred in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest/test_clean_rawdata_rej_test and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_clean_rawdata_asr_test
	Error occurred in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest/test_clean_rawdata_asr_test and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_clean_rawdata_finalrej_test
	Error occurred in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest/test_clean_rawdata_finalrej_test and it did not run to completion.

❌ miscfunc_eeg_regepochs_wrapperTest

❌ test_check_number_trials
	Error occurred in miscfunc_eeg_regepochs_wrapperTest/test_check_number_trials and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_pass_general
	Error occurred in miscfunc_eeg_regepochs_wrapperTest/test_pass_general and it did not run to completion.

❌ miscfunc_make_timewarp_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_make_timewarp
	Error occurred in miscfunc_make_timewarp_wrapperTest/test_test_make_timewarp and it did not run to completion.

❌ miscfunc_runicalowmem_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_runicalowmem
	Error occurred in miscfunc_runicalowmem_wrapperTest/test_test_runicalowmem and it did not run to completion.

❌ miscfunc_runpca2_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_runpca2
	Error occurred in miscfunc_runpca2_wrapperTest/test_test_runpca2 and it did not run to completion.

❌ miscfunc_show_events_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_show_events
	Error occurred in miscfunc_show_events_wrapperTest/test_test_show_events and it did not run to completion.

❌ miscfunc_varsort_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_varsort
	Error occurred in miscfunc_varsort_wrapperTest/test_test_varsort and it did not run to completion.

❌ miscfunc_zica_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_zica
	Error occurred in miscfunc_zica_wrapperTest/test_test_zica and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_eeg_chaninds_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_eeg_chaninds
	Error occurred in popfunc_eeg_chaninds_wrapperTest/test_test_eeg_chaninds and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_eeg_decodechan_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_eeg_decodechan
	Error occurred in popfunc_eeg_decodechan_wrapperTest/test_test_eeg_decodechan and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_eeg_eegrej_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_eeg_eegrej
	Error occurred in popfunc_eeg_eegrej_wrapperTest/test_test_eeg_eegrej and it did not run to completion.
✅ test_testcase_eegrej

❌ popfunc_eeg_eventtypes_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_eeg_eventtypes
	Error occurred in popfunc_eeg_eventtypes_wrapperTest/test_test_eeg_eventtypes and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_eeg_getica_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_eeg_getica
	Error occurred in popfunc_eeg_getica_wrapperTest/test_test_eeg_getica and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_eeg_interp_wrapperTest

✅ test_checkinterp
❌ test_test_eeg_interp
	Error occurred in popfunc_eeg_interp_wrapperTest/test_test_eeg_interp and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_eeg_timeinterp_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_eeg_timeinterp
	Error occurred in popfunc_eeg_timeinterp_wrapperTest/test_test_eeg_timeinterp and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_adjustevents_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_adjustevents1
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_adjustevents_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_adjustevents1 and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_test_pop_adjustevents2
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_adjustevents_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_adjustevents2 and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_autorej_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_autorej
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_autorej_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_autorej and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_chancenter_wrapperTest

✅ test_pass_empty_center
✅ test_pass_no_omitchans
✅ test_pass_with_omitchans
❌ test_test_pop_chancenter
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_chancenter_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_chancenter and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_chanedit_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_chanedit
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_chanedit_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_chanedit and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_comments_wrapperTest

✅ test_pass_newcomments
✅ test_pass_newcomments_concat
❌ test_test_pop_comments
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_comments_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_comments and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_comperp_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_comperp
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_comperp_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_comperp and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_copyset_wrapperTest

✅ test_pass_set_out
❌ test_test_pop_copyset
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_copyset_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_copyset and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_crossf_wrapperTest

✅ test_pass_tlimits_empty
❌ test_test_pop_crossf
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_crossf_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_crossf and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_delset_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_delset
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_delset_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_delset and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_editeventfield_wrapperTest

❌ test_pass_add_field_file
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_editeventfield_wrapperTest/test_pass_add_field_file and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_pass_add_field_file_indices
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_editeventfield_wrapperTest/test_pass_add_field_file_indices and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_pass_add_field_vector_indices
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_editeventfield_wrapperTest/test_pass_add_field_vector_indices and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_pass_delim
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_editeventfield_wrapperTest/test_pass_delim and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_pass_delold_invalid
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_editeventfield_wrapperTest/test_pass_delold_invalid and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_pass_delold_yes
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_editeventfield_wrapperTest/test_pass_delold_yes and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_pass_info
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_editeventfield_wrapperTest/test_pass_info and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_pass_info_field_not_exist
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_editeventfield_wrapperTest/test_pass_info_field_not_exist and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_pass_latency_timeunit
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_editeventfield_wrapperTest/test_pass_latency_timeunit and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_pass_modify_field
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_editeventfield_wrapperTest/test_pass_modify_field and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_pass_modify_field_indices
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_editeventfield_wrapperTest/test_pass_modify_field_indices and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_pass_remove_field_not_exist
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_editeventfield_wrapperTest/test_pass_remove_field_not_exist and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_pass_rename_field
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_editeventfield_wrapperTest/test_pass_rename_field and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_pass_rename_field_invalid_format
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_editeventfield_wrapperTest/test_pass_rename_field_invalid_format and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_pass_rename_field_not_exist
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_editeventfield_wrapperTest/test_pass_rename_field_not_exist and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_pass_skipline
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_editeventfield_wrapperTest/test_pass_skipline and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_test_pop_editeventfield
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_editeventfield_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_editeventfield and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_editeventvals_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_editeventvals
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_editeventvals_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_editeventvals and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_eegfilt_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_eegfilt
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_eegfilt_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_eegfilt and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_eegplot_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_eegplot
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_eegplot_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_eegplot and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_eegthresh_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_eegthresh
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_eegthresh_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_eegthresh and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_envtopo_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_envtopo
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_envtopo_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_envtopo and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_epoch_wrapperTest

❌ test_pass_bugzilla_455
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_epoch_wrapperTest/test_pass_bugzilla_455 and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_test_pop_epoch
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_epoch_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_epoch and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_erpimage_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_erpimage
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_erpimage_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_erpimage and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_eventstat_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_eventstat
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_eventstat_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_eventstat and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_export_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_export
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_export_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_export and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_headplot_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_headplot
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_headplot_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_headplot and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_interp_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_interp
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_interp_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_interp and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_jointprob_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_jointprob
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_jointprob_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_jointprob and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_loadset_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_loadset
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_loadset_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_loadset and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_mergeset_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_mergeset
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_mergeset_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_mergeset and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_newcrossf_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_newcrossf
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_newcrossf_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_newcrossf and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_newset_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_newset
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_newset_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_newset and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_plotdata_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_plotdata
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_plotdata_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_plotdata and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_plottopo_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_plottopo
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_plottopo_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_plottopo and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_prop_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_prop
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_prop_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_prop and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_rejchan_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_rejchan
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_rejchan_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_rejchan and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_rejchanspec_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_rejchanspec
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_rejchanspec_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_rejchanspec and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_rejepoch_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_rejepoch
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_rejepoch_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_rejepoch and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_rejkurt_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_rejkurt
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_rejkurt_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_rejkurt and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_rejspec_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_rejspec
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_rejspec_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_rejspec and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_rejtrend_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_rejtrend
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_rejtrend_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_rejtrend and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_reref_wrapperTest

✅ test_pass_bugzilla_270
❌ test_test_pop_reref
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_reref_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_reref and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_resample_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_resample
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_resample_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_resample and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_test_pop_resample2
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_resample_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_resample2 and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_testcase_boundary
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_resample_wrapperTest/test_testcase_boundary and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_rmbase_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_rmbase
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_rmbase_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_rmbase and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_rmdat_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_rmdat
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_rmdat_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_rmdat and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_runica_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_runica
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_runica_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_runica and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_saveh_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_saveh
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_saveh_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_saveh and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_saveset_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_saveset
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_saveset_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_saveset and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_select_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_select
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_select_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_select and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_selectcomps_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_selectcomps
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_selectcomps_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_selectcomps and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_selectevent_wrapperTest

❌ test_demo_selectevent_glitch
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_selectevent_wrapperTest/test_demo_selectevent_glitch and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_test_pop_selectevent
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_selectevent_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_selectevent and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_signalstat_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_signalstat
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_signalstat_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_signalstat and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_spectopo_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_spectopo
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_spectopo_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_spectopo and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_subcomp_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_subcomp
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_subcomp_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_subcomp and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_timef_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_timef
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_timef_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_timef and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_timtopo_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_timtopo
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_timtopo_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_timtopo and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_topoplot_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_topoplot
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_topoplot_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_topoplot and it did not run to completion.

❌ popfunc_pop_writelocs_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_writelocs
	Error occurred in popfunc_pop_writelocs_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_writelocs and it did not run to completion.

❌ sigprocfunc_envtopo_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_envtopo
	Error occurred in sigprocfunc_envtopo_wrapperTest/test_test_envtopo and it did not run to completion.

❌ sigprocfunc_epoch_wrapperTest

❌ test_pass_allevents
	Error occurred in sigprocfunc_epoch_wrapperTest/test_pass_allevents and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_pass_boundary
	Error occurred in sigprocfunc_epoch_wrapperTest/test_pass_boundary and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_pass_general
	Error occurred in sigprocfunc_epoch_wrapperTest/test_pass_general and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_pass_no_srate
	Error occurred in sigprocfunc_epoch_wrapperTest/test_pass_no_srate and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_pass_valuelim
	Error occurred in sigprocfunc_epoch_wrapperTest/test_pass_valuelim and it did not run to completion.

❌ sigprocfunc_plotcurve_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_plotcurve
	Error occurred in sigprocfunc_plotcurve_wrapperTest/test_test_plotcurve and it did not run to completion.

❌ sigprocfunc_rejkurt_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_rejkurt
	Error occurred in sigprocfunc_rejkurt_wrapperTest/test_test_rejkurt and it did not run to completion.

❌ sigprocfunc_rejtrend_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_rejtrend
	Error occurred in sigprocfunc_rejtrend_wrapperTest/test_test_rejtrend and it did not run to completion.

❌ sigprocfunc_reref_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_reref
	Error occurred in sigprocfunc_reref_wrapperTest/test_test_reref and it did not run to completion.

❌ sigprocfunc_rmbase_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_rmbase
	Error occurred in sigprocfunc_rmbase_wrapperTest/test_test_rmbase and it did not run to completion.

❌ sigprocfunc_runica_ml2_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_runica_ml2
	Error occurred in sigprocfunc_runica_ml2_wrapperTest/test_test_runica_ml2 and it did not run to completion.

❌ sigprocfunc_runica_mlb_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_runica_mlb
	Error occurred in sigprocfunc_runica_mlb_wrapperTest/test_test_runica_mlb and it did not run to completion.

❌ sigprocfunc_timtopo_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_timtopo
	Error occurred in sigprocfunc_timtopo_wrapperTest/test_test_timtopo and it did not run to completion.

❌ sigprocfunc_topoplot_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_topoplot
	Error occurred in sigprocfunc_topoplot_wrapperTest/test_test_topoplot and it did not run to completion.

❌ studyfunc_pop_clust_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_clust
	Error occurred in studyfunc_pop_clust_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_clust and it did not run to completion.

❌ studyfunc_pop_dipparams_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_dipparams
	Error occurred in studyfunc_pop_dipparams_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_dipparams and it did not run to completion.

❌ studyfunc_pop_erpimparams_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_erpimparams
	Error occurred in studyfunc_pop_erpimparams_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_erpimparams and it did not run to completion.

❌ studyfunc_pop_erpparams_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_erpparams
	Error occurred in studyfunc_pop_erpparams_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_erpparams and it did not run to completion.

❌ studyfunc_pop_erspparams_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_erspparams
	Error occurred in studyfunc_pop_erspparams_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_erspparams and it did not run to completion.

❌ studyfunc_pop_specparams_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_specparams
	Error occurred in studyfunc_pop_specparams_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_specparams and it did not run to completion.

❌ studyfunc_pop_statparams_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_pop_statparams
	Error occurred in studyfunc_pop_statparams_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_statparams and it did not run to completion.

❌ studyfunc_std_dipplot_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_std_dipplot
	Error occurred in studyfunc_std_dipplot_wrapperTest/test_test_std_dipplot and it did not run to completion.

❌ studyfunc_std_editset_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_std_editset
	Error occurred in studyfunc_std_editset_wrapperTest/test_test_std_editset and it did not run to completion.

❌ studyfunc_std_erpplot_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_std_erpplot
	Error occurred in studyfunc_std_erpplot_wrapperTest/test_test_std_erpplot and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_test_stderpplot2
	Error occurred in studyfunc_std_erpplot_wrapperTest/test_test_stderpplot2 and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_test_stderpplot3
	Error occurred in studyfunc_std_erpplot_wrapperTest/test_test_stderpplot3 and it did not run to completion.

❌ studyfunc_std_erspplot_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_std_erspplot
	Error occurred in studyfunc_std_erspplot_wrapperTest/test_test_std_erspplot and it did not run to completion.
✅ test_test_std_erspplot2
❌ test_test_std_erspplot2_2
	Error occurred in studyfunc_std_erspplot_wrapperTest/test_test_std_erspplot2_2 and it did not run to completion.
✅ test_test_std_erspplot3
❌ test_test_std_erspplot3_2
	Error occurred in studyfunc_std_erspplot_wrapperTest/test_test_std_erspplot3_2 and it did not run to completion.

❌ studyfunc_std_makedesign_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_std_makedesign
	Error occurred in studyfunc_std_makedesign_wrapperTest/test_test_std_makedesign and it did not run to completion.

❌ studyfunc_std_preclust_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_std_preclust
	Error occurred in studyfunc_std_preclust_wrapperTest/test_test_std_preclust and it did not run to completion.

❌ studyfunc_std_precomp_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_std_precomp
	Error occurred in studyfunc_std_precomp_wrapperTest/test_test_std_precomp and it did not run to completion.

❌ studyfunc_std_selectdesign_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_std_selectdesign
	Error occurred in studyfunc_std_selectdesign_wrapperTest/test_test_std_selectdesign and it did not run to completion.

❌ studyfunc_std_specplot_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_std_specplot
	Error occurred in studyfunc_std_specplot_wrapperTest/test_test_std_specplot and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_test_std_specplot2
	Error occurred in studyfunc_std_specplot_wrapperTest/test_test_std_specplot2 and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_test_stdspecplot3
	Error occurred in studyfunc_std_specplot_wrapperTest/test_test_stdspecplot3 and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_test_stdspecplot4
	Error occurred in studyfunc_std_specplot_wrapperTest/test_test_stdspecplot4 and it did not run to completion.

❌ studyfunc_std_topoplot_wrapperTest

❌ test_test_std_topoplot
	Error occurred in studyfunc_std_topoplot_wrapperTest/test_test_std_topoplot and it did not run to completion.

❌ tutorial_wrapperTest

❌ test_eeglab_history
	Error occurred in tutorial_wrapperTest/test_eeglab_history and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_event_processing_single_dataset
	Error occurred in tutorial_wrapperTest/test_event_processing_single_dataset and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_event_processing_study
	Error occurred in tutorial_wrapperTest/test_event_processing_study and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_make_eeg_movie
	Error occurred in tutorial_wrapperTest/test_make_eeg_movie and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_plot_study_erp
	Error occurred in tutorial_wrapperTest/test_plot_study_erp and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_source_reconstruction_advanced
	Error occurred in tutorial_wrapperTest/test_source_reconstruction_advanced and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_source_reconstruction_eeg
	Error occurred in tutorial_wrapperTest/test_source_reconstruction_eeg and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_study_script
	Error occurred in tutorial_wrapperTest/test_study_script and it did not run to completion.
❌ test_time_freq_all_elec
	Error occurred in tutorial_wrapperTest/test_time_freq_all_elec and it did not run to completion.

❌ tutorial2_wrapperTest

✅ test_bids_process_face_experiment
❌ test_bids_p300
	Error occurred in tutorial2_wrapperTest/test_bids_p300 and it did not run to completion.


Check failure on line 0 in test-results/results_R2021b.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / MATLAB Test R2021b

adminfunc_mmo_wrapperTest ► test_check_eeglab_mmo

Failed test found in:
  Error occurred in adminfunc_mmo_wrapperTest/test_check_eeglab_mmo and it did not run to completion.
Raw output
Error occurred in adminfunc_mmo_wrapperTest/test_check_eeglab_mmo and it did not run to completion.
    Error ID:
    Error Details:
    Error using mmo/size
    Error: File: /home/runner/work/eeglab_tests/eeglab_tests/eeglab/functions/@mmo/size.m Line: 44 Column: 5
    Illegal use of reserved keyword "else".
    Error in eeg_getdatact (line 322)
    if size(data,2)*size(data,3) ~= EEG.pnts*EEG.trials
    Error in eeg_checkset (line 696)
       = eeg_getdatact(EEG);
    Error in pop_loadset (line 250)
            EEG = eeg_checkset(EEG, 'loaddata');
    Error in readcontsamplefile (line 16)
    EEG = pop_loadset(filecont);
    Error in check_eeglab_mmo (line 8)
    Error in adminfunc_mmo_wrapperTest>test_check_eeglab_mmo (line 6)

Check failure on line 0 in test-results/results_R2021b.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / MATLAB Test R2021b

adminfunc_pop_rejmenu_wrapperTest ► test_test_pop_rejmenu

Failed test found in:
  Error occurred in adminfunc_pop_rejmenu_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_rejmenu and it did not run to completion.
Raw output
Error occurred in adminfunc_pop_rejmenu_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_rejmenu and it did not run to completion.
    Error ID:
    Error Details:
    Error using mmo/size
    Error: File: /home/runner/work/eeglab_tests/eeglab_tests/eeglab/functions/@mmo/size.m Line: 44 Column: 5
    Illegal use of reserved keyword "else".
    Error in eeg_getdatact (line 322)
    if size(data,2)*size(data,3) ~= EEG.pnts*EEG.trials
    Error in eeg_checkset (line 696)
       = eeg_getdatact(EEG);
    Error in pop_loadset (line 250)
            EEG = eeg_checkset(EEG, 'loaddata');
    Error in readepochsamplefile (line 15)
    EEG = pop_loadset(filecont);
    Error in test_pop_rejmenu (line 6)
    Error in adminfunc_pop_rejmenu_wrapperTest>test_test_pop_rejmenu (line 6)

Check failure on line 0 in test-results/results_R2021b.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / MATLAB Test R2021b

binary_pop_loadcnt_wrapperTest ► test_test_pop_loadcnt

Failed test found in:
  Error occurred in binary_pop_loadcnt_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_loadcnt and it did not run to completion.
Raw output
Error occurred in binary_pop_loadcnt_wrapperTest/test_test_pop_loadcnt and it did not run to completion.
    Error ID:
    Error Details:
    Error using mmo/size
    Error: File: /home/runner/work/eeglab_tests/eeglab_tests/eeglab/functions/@mmo/size.m Line: 44 Column: 5
    Illegal use of reserved keyword "else".
    Error in eeg_getdatact (line 322)
    if size(data,2)*size(data,3) ~= EEG.pnts*EEG.trials
    Error in eeg_checkset (line 696)
       = eeg_getdatact(EEG);
    Error in pop_loadcnt (line 227)
       EEG      = eeg_checkset(EEG, 'loaddata');
    Error in test_pop_loadcnt (line 18)
    EEG = pop_loadcnt(fullfile(binarytestlocation, 'neuroscan/TEST.CNT'), 'dataformat', 'int16', 'memmapfile', 'map.fdt');
    Error in binary_pop_loadcnt_wrapperTest>test_test_pop_loadcnt (line 6)

Check failure on line 0 in test-results/results_R2021b.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / MATLAB Test R2021b

clean_rawdata_wrapperTest ► test_clean_rawdata_filtering_test

Failed test found in:
  Error occurred in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest/test_clean_rawdata_filtering_test and it did not run to completion.
Raw output
Error occurred in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest/test_clean_rawdata_filtering_test and it did not run to completion.
    Error ID:
    Error Details:
    Error using mmo/size
    Error: File: /home/runner/work/eeglab_tests/eeglab_tests/eeglab/functions/@mmo/size.m Line: 44 Column: 5
    Illegal use of reserved keyword "else".
    Error in eeg_getdatact (line 322)
    if size(data,2)*size(data,3) ~= EEG.pnts*EEG.trials
    Error in eeg_checkset (line 696)
       = eeg_getdatact(EEG);
    Error in pop_loadset (line 250)
            EEG = eeg_checkset(EEG, 'loaddata');
    Error in readcontsamplefile (line 16)
    EEG = pop_loadset(filecont);
    Error in clean_rawdata_filtering_test (line 3)
    Error in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest>test_clean_rawdata_filtering_test (line 5)

Check failure on line 0 in test-results/results_R2021b.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / MATLAB Test R2021b

clean_rawdata_wrapperTest ► test_clean_rawdata_chan_test

Failed test found in:
  Error occurred in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest/test_clean_rawdata_chan_test and it did not run to completion.
Raw output
Error occurred in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest/test_clean_rawdata_chan_test and it did not run to completion.
    Error ID:
    Error Details:
    Error using mmo/size
    Error: File: /home/runner/work/eeglab_tests/eeglab_tests/eeglab/functions/@mmo/size.m Line: 44 Column: 5
    Illegal use of reserved keyword "else".
    Error in eeg_getdatact (line 322)
    if size(data,2)*size(data,3) ~= EEG.pnts*EEG.trials
    Error in eeg_checkset (line 696)
       = eeg_getdatact(EEG);
    Error in pop_loadset (line 250)
            EEG = eeg_checkset(EEG, 'loaddata');
    Error in readcontsamplefile (line 16)
    EEG = pop_loadset(filecont);
    Error in clean_rawdata_chan_test (line 3)
    Error in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest>test_clean_rawdata_chan_test (line 8)

Check failure on line 0 in test-results/results_R2021b.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / MATLAB Test R2021b

clean_rawdata_wrapperTest ► test_clean_rawdata_chanloc_test

Failed test found in:
  Error occurred in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest/test_clean_rawdata_chanloc_test and it did not run to completion.
Raw output
Error occurred in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest/test_clean_rawdata_chanloc_test and it did not run to completion.
    Error ID:
    Error Details:
    Error using mmo/size
    Error: File: /home/runner/work/eeglab_tests/eeglab_tests/eeglab/functions/@mmo/size.m Line: 44 Column: 5
    Illegal use of reserved keyword "else".
    Error in eeg_getdatact (line 322)
    if size(data,2)*size(data,3) ~= EEG.pnts*EEG.trials
    Error in eeg_checkset (line 696)
       = eeg_getdatact(EEG);
    Error in pop_loadset (line 250)
            EEG = eeg_checkset(EEG, 'loaddata');
    Error in readcontsamplefile (line 16)
    EEG = pop_loadset(filecont);
    Error in clean_rawdata_chanloc_test (line 3)
    Error in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest>test_clean_rawdata_chanloc_test (line 11)

Check failure on line 0 in test-results/results_R2021b.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / MATLAB Test R2021b

clean_rawdata_wrapperTest ► test_clean_rawdata_rej_test

Failed test found in:
  Error occurred in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest/test_clean_rawdata_rej_test and it did not run to completion.
Raw output
Error occurred in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest/test_clean_rawdata_rej_test and it did not run to completion.
    Error ID:
    Error Details:
    Error using mmo/size
    Error: File: /home/runner/work/eeglab_tests/eeglab_tests/eeglab/functions/@mmo/size.m Line: 44 Column: 5
    Illegal use of reserved keyword "else".
    Error in eeg_getdatact (line 322)
    if size(data,2)*size(data,3) ~= EEG.pnts*EEG.trials
    Error in eeg_checkset (line 696)
       = eeg_getdatact(EEG);
    Error in pop_loadset (line 250)
            EEG = eeg_checkset(EEG, 'loaddata');
    Error in readcontsamplefile (line 16)
    EEG = pop_loadset(filecont);
    Error in clean_rawdata_rej_test (line 3)
    Error in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest>test_clean_rawdata_rej_test (line 14)

Check failure on line 0 in test-results/results_R2021b.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / MATLAB Test R2021b

clean_rawdata_wrapperTest ► test_clean_rawdata_asr_test

Failed test found in:
  Error occurred in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest/test_clean_rawdata_asr_test and it did not run to completion.
Raw output
Error occurred in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest/test_clean_rawdata_asr_test and it did not run to completion.
    Error ID:
    Error Details:
    Error using mmo/size
    Error: File: /home/runner/work/eeglab_tests/eeglab_tests/eeglab/functions/@mmo/size.m Line: 44 Column: 5
    Illegal use of reserved keyword "else".
    Error in eeg_getdatact (line 322)
    if size(data,2)*size(data,3) ~= EEG.pnts*EEG.trials
    Error in eeg_checkset (line 696)
       = eeg_getdatact(EEG);
    Error in pop_loadset (line 250)
            EEG = eeg_checkset(EEG, 'loaddata');
    Error in readcontsamplefile (line 16)
    EEG = pop_loadset(filecont);
    Error in clean_rawdata_asr_test (line 3)
    Error in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest>test_clean_rawdata_asr_test (line 17)

Check failure on line 0 in test-results/results_R2021b.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / MATLAB Test R2021b

clean_rawdata_wrapperTest ► test_clean_rawdata_finalrej_test

Failed test found in:
  Error occurred in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest/test_clean_rawdata_finalrej_test and it did not run to completion.
Raw output
Error occurred in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest/test_clean_rawdata_finalrej_test and it did not run to completion.
    Error ID:
    Error Details:
    Error using mmo/size
    Error: File: /home/runner/work/eeglab_tests/eeglab_tests/eeglab/functions/@mmo/size.m Line: 44 Column: 5
    Illegal use of reserved keyword "else".
    Error in eeg_getdatact (line 322)
    if size(data,2)*size(data,3) ~= EEG.pnts*EEG.trials
    Error in eeg_checkset (line 696)
       = eeg_getdatact(EEG);
    Error in pop_loadset (line 250)
            EEG = eeg_checkset(EEG, 'loaddata');
    Error in readcontsamplefile (line 16)
    EEG = pop_loadset(filecont);
    Error in clean_rawdata_finalrej_test (line 3)
    Error in clean_rawdata_wrapperTest>test_clean_rawdata_finalrej_test (line 20)

Check failure on line 0 in test-results/results_R2021b.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / MATLAB Test R2021b

miscfunc_eeg_regepochs_wrapperTest ► test_check_number_trials

Failed test found in:
  Error occurred in miscfunc_eeg_regepochs_wrapperTest/test_check_number_trials and it did not run to completion.
Raw output
Error occurred in miscfunc_eeg_regepochs_wrapperTest/test_check_number_trials and it did not run to completion.
    Error ID:
    Error Details:
    Error using mmo/size
    Error: File: /home/runner/work/eeglab_tests/eeglab_tests/eeglab/functions/@mmo/size.m Line: 44 Column: 5
    Illegal use of reserved keyword "else".
    Error in pop_epoch (line 368)
    EEG.pnts = size(,2);
    Error in eeg_regepochs (line 188)
        EEG = pop_epoch( EEG, { g.eventtype }, g.limits, 'newname', ...
    Error in check_number_trials (line 17)
    EEG1 = eeg_regepochs(EEG,'eventtype', 'temp', 'extractepochs', 'on', 'recurrence', 1, 'limits', [0 1]);
    Error in miscfunc_eeg_regepochs_wrapperTest>test_check_number_trials (line 6)

Check failure on line 0 in test-results/results_R2021b.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / MATLAB Test R2021b

miscfunc_eeg_regepochs_wrapperTest ► test_pass_general

Failed test found in:
  Error occurred in miscfunc_eeg_regepochs_wrapperTest/test_pass_general and it did not run to completion.
Raw output
Error occurred in miscfunc_eeg_regepochs_wrapperTest/test_pass_general and it did not run to completion.
    Error ID:
    Error Details:
    Error using mmo/size
    Error: File: /home/runner/work/eeglab_tests/eeglab_tests/eeglab/functions/@mmo/size.m Line: 44 Column: 5
    Illegal use of reserved keyword "else".
    Error in pop_epoch (line 368)
    EEG.pnts = size(,2);
    Error in eeg_regepochs (line 188)
        EEG = pop_epoch( EEG, { g.eventtype }, g.limits, 'newname', ...
    Error in pass_general (line 169)
            rEEG = eeg_regepochs(EEG);
    Error in miscfunc_eeg_regepochs_wrapperTest>test_pass_general (line 9)