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Wirkungstreffer authored Mar 20, 2024
2 parents 14f1657 + d15ff51 commit 26f9c18
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Showing 18 changed files with 74 additions and 30 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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That's it! If you want to run the plugin, please start [EEGLAB]( first. You may need to add EEGLAB to the [MATLAB path](
That's it! If you want to run the plugin, please start [EEGLAB]( first. You may need to add EEGLAB to the [MATLAB path]( Some functions may require the additional installation of [FieldTrip (lite or normal)]( and [Brainmovie](

Why is this EEGLAB plugin not in the EEGLAB plugin manager? The plugin is beta. Once it is completed, it will be added to the EEGLAB plugin manager.

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion libs/nolte/data2bs_univar.m
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% respective channel combination. For example, if para.chancomb = [1,2,1],
% the output will be cs([1,2,1], f1, f2) = <x(f1)_1*x(f2)_2*conj(x(f1+f2-1)_1)>
% (for a comparison, check the default output). In this example, at least two channels
% are required.
% are required. Throws an error if there are not enough channels.
% output:
% cs: nchan by nf by nf tensor for nf frequencies (i.e. nf=maxfreqbins)
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions pop_roi_activity.m
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% specified, the signal is zero padded accordingly.
% Default is 0 (means no padding).
% 'chansel' - [cell array of string] channel selection. Default is all.
% 'lowmemory' - ['on'|'off'] options to run the code with low memory, though, it might take significantly longer to complete.
% 'lowmemory' - ['on'|'off'] Option to run the code with low memory, though, it might take significantly longer to complete. When turned on, the estimation of voxel-wise spectral power
% will require less memory.
% Other optional inputs:
% All ROI_ACTIVITY parameters are accepted as input and passed on.
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{} { 'style' 'text' 'string' 'Model parameters:' } { 'style' 'edit' 'string' '0.05' 'tag' 'modelparams' } {} ...
{} ...
{ 'style' 'text' 'string' 'Other parameters' 'fontweight' 'bold'} ...
{} { 'style' 'text' 'string' 'Number of dimentions per ROI:' } { 'style' 'edit' 'string' '3' 'tag' 'pca' } {} ...
{} { 'style' 'text' 'string' 'Number of dimensions per ROI:' } { 'style' 'edit' 'string' '3' 'tag' 'pca' } {} ...

[result,usrdat,~,out] = inputgui('geometry', uigeom, 'uilist', uilist, 'helpcom', 'pophelp(''pop_roi_activity'')', ...
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions pop_roi_connect.m
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% 'naccu' - [integer] Number of accumulation for stats. Default is 0.
% 'methods' - [cell] Cell of strings corresponding to methods.
% 'CS' : Cross spectrum
% 'aCOH' : Coherence
% 'cCOH' : (complex-valued) coherency
% 'iCOH' : absolute value of the imaginary part of coherency
% 'aCOH' : Coherence
% 'cCOH' : (Complex-valued) Coherency
% 'iCOH' : Absolute value of the imaginary part of Coherency
% 'GC' : Granger Causality
% 'TRGC' : Time-reversed Granger Causality
% 'wPLI' : Weighted Phase Lag Index
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49 changes: 42 additions & 7 deletions pop_roi_connectplot.m
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% 'measure' - ['psd'|'roipsd'|'trgc'|'crossspecimag'|'crossspecpow'|'mic'|'mim']
% 'psd' : Source power spectrum
% 'psdroi': ROI based power spectrum
% 'trgc' : Time-reversed granger causality
% 'gc' : Granger causality
% 'TRGC' : Time-reversed granger causality
% 'GC' : Granger causality
% 'crossspecimag': Imaginary part of coherence from cross-spectrum
% 'crossspecpow' : Average cross-spectrum power for each ROI
% 'mic' : Maximized Imaginary Coherency for each ROI
% 'mim' : Multivariate Interaction Measure for each ROI
% 'aCOH': Coherence
% 'iCOH': Absolute value of the imaginary part of Coherency
% 'MIC' : Maximized Imaginary Coherency for each ROI
% 'MIM' : Multivariate Interaction Measure for each ROI
% 'pac' : Phase-amplitude coupling for a certain frequency (band) combination based on bicoherence
% 'pac_anti': Phase-amplitude coupling for a certain frequency (band) combination based on the antisymmetrized bicoherence
% 'freqrange' - [min max] frequency range or [integer] single frequency in Hz. Default is to plot broadband power.
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splot(end ).plot3d = plot3dFlag;

if isfield(EEG.roi, 'COH')
if isfield(EEG.roi, 'aCOH')
splot(end+1).label = 'ROI to ROI coherence';
splot(end ).labelshort = 'Coherence';
splot(end ).acronym = 'Coh';
splot(end ).unit = 'Coh';
splot(end ).acronym = 'aCOH';
splot(end ).unit = 'aCOH';
splot(end ).cortex = cortexFlag;
splot(end ).matrix = 1;
splot(end ).psd = -1;
splot(end ).plot3d = plot3dFlag;

if isfield(EEG.roi, 'cCOH')
splot(end+1).label = 'ROI to ROI coherency';
splot(end ).labelshort = 'Coherency';
splot(end ).acronym = 'cCoh';
splot(end ).unit = 'cCOH';
splot(end ).cortex = cortexFlag;
splot(end ).matrix = 1;
splot(end ).psd = -1;
splot(end ).plot3d = plot3dFlag;

if isfield(EEG.roi, 'iCOH')
splot(end+1).label = 'ROI to ROI absolute value of the imaginary part of coherency';
splot(end ).labelshort = 'Img. part of Coherency';
splot(end ).acronym = 'iCOH';
splot(end ).unit = 'iCOH';
splot(end ).cortex = cortexFlag;
splot(end ).matrix = 1;
splot(end ).psd = -1;
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matrix = squeeze(mean(MI(frq_inds, :, :),1));
cortexPlot = mean(matrix, 2);

case { 'acoh' 'ccoh' 'icoh'}
if strcmpi(g.measure, 'aCOH')
matrix = squeeze(mean(S.aCOH(frq_inds, :, :), 1));
elseif strcmpi(g.measure, 'cCOH')
error(['Complex values are not supported. To plot the absolute values, compute "aCOH", ' ...
'to plot the imaginary part, compute "iCOH".'])
matrix = squeeze(mean(S.iCOH(frq_inds, :, :), 1));
cortexPlot = mean(matrix, 2);

case { 'crossspecpow' 'coh' 'crossspecimag' }
if strcmpi(g.measure, 'coh')
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pop_roi_statsplot.m
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matrix = squeeze(S.(g.measure)(frq_inds, :, :, :));

% generate p-values by comparing the true FC (first shuffle) to null distribution
% average over one dimension to obtain net FC, then generate p-values by comparing the true FC (first shuffle) to null distribution
netFC = squeeze(mean(matrix, 2));
FC_pn = sum(netFC(:, 1) < netFC(:, 2:end), 2)./(size(matrix, 3) - 1);

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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion roi_activity.m
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% 'freqresolution' - [integer] Desired frequency resolution (in number of frequencies). If
% specified, the signal is zero padded accordingly.
% Default is 0 (means no padding).
% 'lowmemory' - ['on'|'off'] options to run the code with low memory, though, it might take significantly longer to complete.
% 'lowmemory' - ['on'|'off'] Option to run the code with low memory, though, it might take significantly longer to complete. When turned on, the estimation of voxel-wise spectral power
% will require less memory.
% Output:
% EEG - EEGLAB dataset with field 'roi' containing connectivity info.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test_pipes/pipeline_connectivity.m
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EEG = pop_roi_connect(EEG, 'methods', measures(iMeasure));
t(iMeasure) = toc;
pop_roi_connectplot(EEG, 'measure', 'iCOH', 'plotcortex', 'on', 'plotmatrix', 'off');
pop_roi_connectplot(EEG, 'measure', 'MIM', 'plotcortex', 'on', 'plotmatrix', 'on');
pop_roi_connectplot(EEG, 'measure', 'MIM', 'plot3d', 'on', 'plotcortex', 'off', 'plot3dparams', {'thresholdper', 0.05, 'brainmovieopt' {'nodeColorDataRange', [], 'nodeSizeLimits', [0 0.2]}});

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test_pipes/test_brainplots_loretaatlas.m
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EEG = pop_leadfield(EEG, 'sourcemodel',fullfile(eeglabp,'plugins','dipfit','LORETA-Talairach-BAs.mat'), ...
'sourcemodel2mni',[0 -24 -45 0 0 -1.5708 1000 1000 1000] ,'downsample',1);

EEG = pop_roi_activity(EEG, 'leadfield',EEG.dipfit.sourcemodel,'model','LCMV','modelparams',{0.05},'atlas','LORETA-Talairach-BAs','nPCA',3);
EEG = pop_roi_activity(EEG, 'leadfield',EEG.dipfit.sourcemodel,'model','LCMV','modelparams',{0.05},'atlas','LORETA-Talairach-BAs','nPCA',3, 'chansel', EEG.dipfit.chansel);
EEG = pop_roi_connect(EEG, 'methods', {'MIM'});

%% Plot brain plot with different parameters
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test_pipes/test_flex_epochlength.m
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EEG = pop_leadfield(EEG, 'sourcemodel',fullfile(eeglabp,'functions','supportfiles','head_modelColin27_5003_Standard-10-5-Cap339.mat'), ...
'sourcemodel2mni',[0 -24 -45 0 0 -1.5708 1000 1000 1000] ,'downsample',1);

EEG = pop_roi_activity(EEG, 'leadfield',EEG.dipfit.sourcemodel,'model','LCMV','modelparams',{0.05},'atlas','LORETA-Talairach-BAs','nPCA',1);
EEG = pop_roi_activity(EEG, 'leadfield',EEG.dipfit.sourcemodel,'model','LCMV','modelparams',{0.05},'atlas','LORETA-Talairach-BAs','nPCA',3, 'chansel', EEG.dipfit.chansel);

measures = { 'MIM' 'wPLI' };
for iMeasure = 1:length(measures)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test_pipes/test_fooof.m
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'sourcemodel2mni',[0 -24 -45 0 0 -1.5708 1000 1000 1000] ,'downsample',1);

% compute fooof
EEG = pop_roi_activity(EEG, 'leadfield',EEG.dipfit.sourcemodel,'model','LCMV','modelparams',{0.05},'atlas','LORETA-Talairach-BAs','nPCA',3, 'fooof', 'on', 'fooof_frange', [1 30]);
EEG = pop_roi_activity(EEG, 'leadfield',EEG.dipfit.sourcemodel,'model','LCMV','modelparams',{0.05},'atlas','LORETA-Talairach-BAs','nPCA',3, 'fooof', 'on', 'fooof_frange', [1 30], 'chansel', EEG.dipfit.chansel);

% access values
results = EEG.roi.fooof_results;
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test_pipes/test_largebarplot_dkatlas.m
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EEG = pop_leadfield(EEG, 'sourcemodel',fullfile(eeglabp,'functions','supportfiles','head_modelColin27_5003_Standard-10-5-Cap339.mat'), ...
'sourcemodel2mni',[0 -24 -45 0 0 -1.5708 1000 1000 1000] ,'downsample',1);

EEG = pop_roi_activity(EEG, 'leadfield',EEG.dipfit.sourcemodel,'model','LCMV','modelparams',{0.05},'atlas','LORETA-Talairach-BAs','nPCA',3);
EEG = pop_roi_activity(EEG, 'leadfield',EEG.dipfit.sourcemodel,'model','LCMV','modelparams',{0.05},'atlas','LORETA-Talairach-BAs','nPCA',3, 'chansel', EEG.dipfit.chansel);
EEG = pop_roi_connect(EEG, 'methods', {'MIM'});
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test_pipes/test_matrixplots_brainregions.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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EEG = pop_leadfield(EEG, 'sourcemodel',fullfile(eeglabp,'plugins','dipfit','LORETA-Talairach-BAs.mat'), ...
'sourcemodel2mni',[0 -24 -45 0 0 -1.5708 1000 1000 1000] ,'downsample',1);

EEG = pop_roi_activity(EEG, 'leadfield',EEG.dipfit.sourcemodel,'model','LCMV','modelparams',{0.05},'atlas','Brain-Regions','nPCA',3);
EEG = pop_roi_activity(EEG, 'leadfield',EEG.dipfit.sourcemodel,'model','LCMV','modelparams',{0.05},'atlas','Brain-Regions','nPCA',3, 'chansel', EEG.dipfit.chansel);
EEG = pop_roi_connect(EEG, 'methods', {'MIM'});

%% Plot matrix with different parameters
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test_pipes/test_matrixplots_dkatlas.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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EEG = pop_leadfield(EEG, 'sourcemodel',fullfile(eeglabp,'functions','supportfiles','head_modelColin27_5003_Standard-10-5-Cap339.mat'), ...
'sourcemodel2mni',[0 -24 -45 0 0 -1.5708 1000 1000 1000] ,'downsample',1);

EEG = pop_roi_activity(EEG, 'leadfield',EEG.dipfit.sourcemodel,'model','LCMV','modelparams',{0.05},'atlas','LORETA-Talairach-BAs','nPCA',3);
EEG = pop_roi_activity(EEG, 'leadfield',EEG.dipfit.sourcemodel,'model','LCMV','modelparams',{0.05},'atlas','LORETA-Talairach-BAs','nPCA',3, 'chansel', EEG.dipfit.chansel);
EEG = pop_roi_connect(EEG, 'methods', {'MIM'});

%% Plot matrix with different parameters
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test_pipes/test_matrixplots_loretaatlas.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
EEG = pop_leadfield(EEG, 'sourcemodel',fullfile(eeglabp,'plugins','dipfit','LORETA-Talairach-BAs.mat'), ...
'sourcemodel2mni',[0 -24 -45 0 0 -1.5708 1000 1000 1000] ,'downsample',1);

EEG = pop_roi_activity(EEG, 'leadfield',EEG.dipfit.sourcemodel,'model','LCMV','modelparams',{0.05},'atlas','LORETA-Talairach-BAs','nPCA',3);
EEG = pop_roi_activity(EEG, 'leadfield',EEG.dipfit.sourcemodel,'model','LCMV','modelparams',{0.05},'atlas','LORETA-Talairach-BAs','nPCA',3, 'chansel', EEG.dipfit.chansel);
EEG = pop_roi_connect(EEG, 'methods', {'MIM'});

%% Plot matrix with different parameters
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14 changes: 11 additions & 3 deletions test_pipes/test_mim_stats.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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EEG = pop_roi_activity(EEG, 'leadfield',EEG.dipfit.sourcemodel,'model','LCMV','modelparams',{0.05},'atlas','LORETA-Talairach-BAs','nPCA',3, 'chansel', EEG.dipfit.chansel);

%% Create null distribution
EEG1_MIM = pop_roi_connect(EEG, 'methods', {'CS' 'cCOH', 'wPLI' 'MIM'}, 'freqresolution', 200, 'roi_selection', {1, 3, 7}, 'conn_stats', 'on', 'nshuf', 1000, 'poolsize', 12); % takes very long!
EEG2_MIM = pop_roi_connect(EEG, 'methods', {'CS' 'cCOH', 'wPLI' 'MIM'}, 'conn_stats', 'on', 'nshuf', 30); % takes very long!
EEG1_MIM = pop_roi_connect(EEG, 'methods', {'CS' 'cCOH', 'wPLI' 'MIM'}, 'freqresolution', 200, 'roi_selection', {1, 3, 7}, 'conn_stats', 'on', 'nshuf', 1000, 'poolsize', 12);
EEG2_MIM = pop_roi_connect(EEG, 'methods', {'CS' 'cCOH', 'wPLI' 'MIM'}, 'conn_stats', 'on', 'nshuf', 1000); % takes very long!
% load('test_pipes/MIM_shuf.mat')
pop_roi_statsplot(EEG1_MIM, 'measure', 'MIM', 'freqrange', [8 13]);
pop_roi_statsplot(EEG1_MIM, 'measure', 'MIM', 'freqrange', [8 13]);

%% Unit test
% Test if the first shuffle of the surrogate connectivity matrix in EEG1 is in fact the true matrix
EEG1 = pop_roi_connect(EEG, 'methods', {'MIM'}, 'conn_stats', 'on', 'nshuf', 3);
EEG2 = pop_roi_connect(EEG, 'methods', {'MIM'}, 'conn_stats', 'off');
if ~isequal(squeeze(EEG1.roi.MIM(:, :, :, 1)), EEG2.roi.MIM)
error 'The first shuffle in the surrogate connectivity array is not the true matrix.'
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test_pipes/test_roi_selection.m
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Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
% EEG = pop_leadfield(EEG, 'sourcemodel',fullfile(eeglabp,'plugins','dipfit','LORETA-Talairach-BAs.mat'), ...
% 'sourcemodel2mni',[0 -24 -45 0 0 -1.5708 1000 1000 1000] ,'downsample',1);

EEG = pop_roi_activity(EEG, 'leadfield',EEG.dipfit.sourcemodel,'model','LCMV','modelparams',{0.05},'atlas','LORETA-Talairach-BAs','nPCA',3);
EEG = pop_roi_activity(EEG, 'leadfield',EEG.dipfit.sourcemodel,'model','LCMV','modelparams',{0.05},'atlas','LORETA-Talairach-BAs','nPCA',3, 'chansel', EEG.dipfit.chansel);

%% Test PAC for a selection of ROIs
low = 10;
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test_pipes/test_zeropadding.m
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%% Test zero padding in roi_activity and plot results
% sanity check with default frequency resolution (freqresolution = 0)
EEG = pop_roi_activity(EEG, 'leadfield',EEG.dipfit.sourcemodel,'model','LCMV','modelparams',{0.05},'atlas','LORETA-Talairach-BAs','nPCA',3);
EEG = pop_roi_activity(EEG, 'leadfield',EEG.dipfit.sourcemodel,'model','LCMV','modelparams',{0.05},'atlas','LORETA-Talairach-BAs','nPCA',3, 'chansel', EEG.dipfit.chansel);

% subplot(2,1,1)
% for j = 1:size(EEG.roi.source_roi_power,2)
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