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Merge pull request #48 from nguyen-td/feature
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nguyen-td authored Jul 5, 2023
2 parents e19ed20 + b560ca2 commit abf639a
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Showing 16 changed files with 639 additions and 24 deletions.
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions libs/pellegrini/fp_cpsd_mt.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
function S = fp_cpsd_mt(X1,X2,ind_1,ind_2,h,window,noverlap,nchunks,taparray)

% Copyright (c) 2022 Franziska Pellegrini and Stefan Haufe

ind_pow = intersect(ind_1, ind_2);
nfft = 2*(h-1);

n1 = numel(ind_1);
n2 = numel(ind_2);
n3 = numel(ind_pow);
S = complex(zeros(h,n1,n2));
pow = zeros(h,n3);

winstep = window-noverlap;
ntapers = size(taparray,2);

% compute tapered periodogram with FFT

for k = 1:nchunks

XSEG1 = X1((1:window) + (k-1)*winstep,:);
XSEG2 = X2((1:window) + (k-1)*winstep,:);

% compute periodogram
P1 = fft(taparray.*permute(XSEG1(:,:,ones(1,ntapers)),[1 3 2]),nfft);
P1 = P1(1:h,:,:);
P2 = fft(taparray.*permute(XSEG2(:,:,ones(1,ntapers)),[1 3 2]),nfft);
P2 = P2(1:h,:,:);

% now make cross-products of them to fill cross-spectrum matrix

for ii = 1:n1
o = ind_1(ii);
for jj = 1:n2
oo = ind_2(jj);
S(:,ii,jj) = S(:,ii,jj) + mean(P1(:,:,o) .* conj(P2(:,:,oo)),2);

if ~isempty(ind_pow)
for pp = 1:n3
u = ind_pow(pp);
pow(:,pp) = pow(:,pp) + mean(P1(:,:,u) .* conj(P1(:,:,u)),2);


S = S/nchunks;

if ~isempty(ind_pow)
pow = pow/nchunks;

for pp = 1:n3
clear a b
a = find(ind_1 == ind_pow(pp));
b = find(ind_2 == ind_pow(pp));
S(:,a,b) = pow(:,pp);

61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions libs/pellegrini/fp_cpsd_mt_matlab2015.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
function S = fp_cpsd_mt(X1,X2,ind_1,ind_2,h,window,noverlap,nchunks,taparray)

% Copyright (c) 2022 Franziska Pellegrini and Stefan Haufe

ind_pow = intersect(ind_1, ind_2);
nfft = 2*(h-1);

n1 = numel(ind_1);
n2 = numel(ind_2);
n3 = numel(ind_pow);
S = complex(zeros(h,n1,n2));
pow = zeros(h,n3);

winstep = window-noverlap;
ntapers = size(taparray,2);

% compute tapered periodogram with FFT

for k = 1:nchunks

XSEG1 = X1((1:window) + (k-1)*winstep,:);
XSEG2 = X2((1:window) + (k-1)*winstep,:);

% compute periodogram
P1 = fft(taparray.*permute(XSEG1(:,:,ones(1,ntapers)),[1 3 2]),nfft);
P1 = P1(1:h,:,:);
P2 = fft(taparray.*permute(XSEG2(:,:,ones(1,ntapers)),[1 3 2]),nfft);
P2 = P2(1:h,:,:);

% now make cross-products of them to fill cross-spectrum matrix

for ii = 1:n1
o = ind_1(ii);
for jj = 1:n2
oo = ind_2(jj);
S(:,ii,jj) = S(:,ii,jj) + mean(P1(:,:,o) .* conj(P2(:,:,oo)),2);

if ~isempty(ind_pow)
for pp = 1:n3
u = ind_pow(pp);
pow(:,pp) = pow(:,pp) + mean(P1(:,:,u) .* conj(P1(:,:,u)),2);


S = S/nchunks;

if ~isempty(ind_pow)
pow = pow/nchunks;

for pp = 1:n3
clear a b
a = find(ind_1 == ind_pow(pp));
b = find(ind_2 == ind_pow(pp));
S(:,a,b) = pow(:,pp);

58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions libs/pellegrini/fp_cpsd_mt_matlab2019.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
function S = fp_cpsd_mt_matlab2019(X1,X2,ind_1,ind_2,h,window,noverlap,nchunks,taparray)

% Copyright (c) 2022 Franziska Pellegrini and Stefan Haufe

ind_pow = intersect(ind_1, ind_2);
nfft = 2*(h-1);

n1 = numel(ind_1);
n2 = numel(ind_2);
n3 = numel(ind_pow);
S = complex(zeros(h,n1,n2));
pow = zeros(h,n3);

winstep = window-noverlap;
ntapers = size(taparray,2);

% compute tapered periodogram with FFT

for k = 1:nchunks

XSEG1 = X1((1:window) + (k-1)*winstep,:);
XSEG2 = X2((1:window) + (k-1)*winstep,:);

% compute periodogram
P1 = fft(taparray.*permute(XSEG1(:,:,ones(1,ntapers)),[1 3 2]),nfft);
P1 = P1(1:h,:,:);
P2 = fft(taparray.*permute(XSEG2(:,:,ones(1,ntapers)),[1 3 2]),nfft);
P2 = P2(1:h,:,:);

% now make cross-products of them to fill cross-spectrum matrix

for ii = 1:n1
o = ind_1(ii);
S(:,ii,:) = S(:,ii,:) + mean(repmat(P1(:,:,o), 1, 1, length(ind_2)) .* conj(P2(:,:,ind_2)),2);

if ~isempty(ind_pow)
for pp = 1:n3
u = ind_pow(pp);
pow(:,pp) = pow(:,pp) + mean(P1(:,:,u) .* conj(P1(:,:,u)),2);


S = S/nchunks;

if ~isempty(ind_pow)
pow = pow/nchunks;

for pp = 1:n3
clear a b
a = find(ind_1 == ind_pow(pp));
b = find(ind_2 == ind_pow(pp));
S(:,a,b) = pow(:,pp);

26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions libs/pellegrini/fp_cpsd_welch.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
function S = fp_cpsd_welch(X_1, X_2,ind_1,ind_2,h,window,noverlap)
%X_1 and X_2 can be the same - then the usual CS is
%calculated. Otherwise X_2 should contain data from another trial than
%X_1. ind_1 and ind_2 contain channels of interest. The output S will be of
%size length(ind_1) x length(ind_2) x nfreq.

% Copyright (c) 2022 Franziska Pellegrini and Stefan Haufe

ind_pow = intersect(ind_1, ind_2);
nfft = 2*(h-1);

n1 = numel(ind_1);
n2 = numel(ind_2);
S = complex(zeros(n1,n2,h));

for ii = 1:n1
o = ind_1(ii);
S(ii,:,:) = transpose(cpsd(X_1(:,o),X_2(:,ind_2),window,noverlap,nfft)); % cross-spectra
if ismember(o,ind_pow)
clear b
b = find(ind_2 == o);
S(ii,b,:) = transpose(cpsd(X_1(:,o),X_1(:,o),window,noverlap,nfft));


23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions libs/pellegrini/fp_fc_shuffletest.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
function fp_fc_shuffletest(isb)
%calculates true MIM and generates MIM null distribution
%isb = subject index
% Copyright (c) 2022 Franziska Pellegrini and Stefan Haufe

DIRIN = './Data_MI/';

%subjects with high performance classification
subs = [3 4 5 8 9 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 25 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 37];
nshuf = 1001; %first shuffle = true MIM, then 1000 shuffles

%% load preprocessed EEG
sub = ['vp' num2str(subs(isb))];
load([DIRIN sub '.mat'])

%% shuffle
%one shuffle ~ 1 min on local machine
%first shuffle is true MIM
npcs = repmat(3,1,nroi);
MIM_s = fp_shuffle_MIM(data,npcs,fs,filt1, nshuf);

%% save
save([DIRIN 'RDE_shuf_' num2str(isb) '.mat'],'-v7.3')
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions libs/pellegrini/fp_npcs2inds.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
function [inds, PCA_inds] = fp_npcs2inds(npcs)

% Copyright (c) 2022 Franziska Pellegrini and Stefan Haufe

beg_inds = cumsum([1 npcs(1:end-1)]);
end_inds = cumsum([npcs]);

for iroi = 1:numel(npcs)
PCA_inds{iroi} = beg_inds(iroi):end_inds(iroi);

inds = {}; ninds = 0;
for iroi = 1:numel(npcs)
for jroi = (iroi+1):numel(npcs)
inds{ninds+1} = {PCA_inds{iroi}, PCA_inds{jroi}};
ninds = ninds + 1;
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions libs/pellegrini/fp_plot_fc_shuffletest.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
function fp_plot_fc_shuffletest
%Function that generates p-values from the MIM null distribution and plots
% Copyright (c) 2022 Franziska Pellegrini and Stefan Haufe

DIRIN = '~/Dropbox/Franziska/Data_MEG_Project/RDE_shuffletest/right_MI/';
DIRFIG = '~/Desktop/';

nsub = 26;

%% generate p-values by comparing true MIM to null distribution
for isb = 1:nsub
in = load([DIRIN 'RDE_shuf_' num2str(isb) '.mat']);

%average over one region dimension to obtain netMIM
MIM_s = squeeze(mean(in.MIM_s,2));
MIM_pn(:,isb) = sum(MIM_s(:,1)< MIM_s(:,2:end),2)./(size(in.MIM_s,3)-1);

%% Use Stouffer's method to aggregate p-values
nroi = size(MIM_pn,1);
for iroi = 1:nroi
MIM_pn_s(iroi) = fp_stouffer(squeeze(MIM_pn(iroi,:)));

%% Use FDR-correction for multiple comparison's correction
[p_fdr, ~] = fdr(MIM_pn_s, 0.05);

%% Plot
load cm17;
load('bs_results.mat'); % load cortex
MIM_pn_s(MIM_pn_s==0) = 0.001; % 1/nshuf
data = -log10(MIM_pn_s);
allplots_cortex_BS(cortex_highres,data, [35 52], cm17a ,'-log(p)', 0.3,...
[DIRFIG 'netMIM_right'])
87 changes: 87 additions & 0 deletions libs/pellegrini/fp_tsdata_to_cpsd.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
function S = fp_tsdata_to_cpsd(X,fres,method,ind_1, ind_2, id_trials_1, id_trials_2, window,noverlap,nw,ntapers)
% Estimate cross-power spectral density from time series data between
% channels ind_1 and channels ind_2.
% Shuffle id_trials_2 for surrogate images.

% Copyright (c) 2022 Franziska Pellegrini and Stefan Haufe

[n_chan,n_times,n_trials] = size(X);
X = demean(X);
X = permute(X,[2 1 3]); % transpose row, col (works for single-trial data too)
nfft = 2*fres;

if ~exist('window','var')
window = min(n_times,nfft); % according to Chronux ... by default Matlab 'pwelch' splits data into 8 overlapping segments
assert(window <= n_times,'window cannot be longer than data');

if ~exist('overlap','var')
noverlap = round(window/2);
assert(noverlap < window,'overlap must be shorter than window');

if nargin < 3 || isempty(method)
method = 'WELCH';

if ~isequal(sort(ind_1),sort(unique(ind_1))) || ~isequal(sort(ind_2), sort(unique(ind_2)))
error('ind_1 and ind_2 must be unique')

if strcmpi(method,'MT')

nchunks = floor(((n_times-noverlap)/(window-noverlap))); % FFT chunks per channel

if nargin < 10 || isempty(nw)
nw = 3;

if nargin < 11 || isempty(ntapers)
ntapers = 2*nw -1;

tapers = dpss(window,nw,ntapers,'calc'); % Slepian sequences: tapers is a matrix of size window x ntapers
taparray = tapers(:,:,ones(1,n_chan));

S = 0;
for r = 1:n_trials % works for single-trial too

%trial shuffling
x_original = X(:,:,id_trials_1(r));
x_perm = X(:,:,id_trials_2(r));

clear s
s = fp_cpsd_mt_matlab2019(x_original,x_perm,ind_1, ind_2,fres+1,window,noverlap,nchunks,taparray);
S = S+s;

S = permute(S,[2 3 1])/n_trials;

elseif strcmpi(method,'WELCH')

S = 0;

for r = 1:n_trials
%trial shuffling
x_original = X(:,:,id_trials_1(r));
x_perm = X(:,:,id_trials_2(r));

clear s
s = fp_cpsd_welch(x_original,x_perm,ind_1,ind_2,fres+1,window,noverlap);
S = S + s;
S = S/n_trials;

error('unknown method ''%s''',method);


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