This is an engine for playing the popular board game - "The Resistance: Avalon".
The library can be interacted with via the GameClient class.
Please see the instructions below.
npm i avalon-engine
Initialize the game:
const { GameClient, GameEvent, RoleId } = require('avalon-engine');
// Instantiate a new game object with an optional config.
const game = new GameClient({
afterTeamProposition: 5000,
afterTeamVoting: 7500,
afterQuestVoting: 7500,
Add / remove event listeners:
const onGameStateChange = () => console.log('State Changed!');
// Registers an event listener.
game.on(GameEvent.StateChange, onGameStateChange);
// Removes an event listener., onGameStateChange)
Get the game ID:
// Returns a unique id for the game.
Add players to the game:
// Adds the player with the `id-1` to the game. Adding players
// to the game is only allowed before the game is started.
Remove players from the game:
// Removes the player with the `id-1` from the game. Player
// removal is only allowed before the game is started.
Start the game:
// Requires minim 5 and maximum 10 players to start the game.
// Optionally, desired roles can be passed to the `start`
// method (Assassin and Merlin will always be present even
// if not passed in explicitly).
game.start([RoleId.Morgana, RoleId.Percival]);
Propose a player for the team:
// Only the leader is allowed to propose a player.
const leaderId = 'id-1';
// Any player can be proposed for the team.
const anyPlayerId = 'id-5';
// Proposes a player to be included in the team.
game.toggleTeammateProposition(leaderId, anyPlayerId);
Reset proposed teammates:
// Only the leader is allowed to reset the propositions.
const leaderId = 'id-1';
// "Un-proposes" every player
Finalize the proposed players as a team:
// Only the leader is allowed to submit the team.
const leaderId = 'id-1';
// Finalizes the team members. The game then:
// - transitions to the "Frozen State" (Read-only mode)
// - after the timeout (specified above), depending on whether the past 4
// team propositions have been rejected or not:
// - transitions to the team voting phase, or
// - bypasses the team voting phase, transitioning straight to the
// quest voting phase.
Vote for the proposed team:
// Any player can either approve or reject the proposed team.
const anyPlayerId = 'id-3';
// After the voting concludes, the game will:
// - transition to the "Frozen State"
// - after the timeout (specified above), depending on the
// results, the game will transition to either the quest voting
// or the team proposition state.
game.voteForTeam(anyPlayerId, true);
Vote for the current quest:
// Only the *proposed players* are allowed to cast either a positive
// or a negative vote.
const proposedPlayerId = 'id-3';
// Can only be called during the "quest voting" phase. If there are
// enough `fail` votes - the quest fails, otherwise - it succeeds.
// Depending on the circumstances, from this point the game continues
// following one of these scenarios:
// - the game is over, bad guys win.
// - the game transitions into the "Frozen State":
// - after the timeout it returns to the team proposition state.
// - after the timeout it proceeds to the assassination phase.
game.voteForQuest(proposedPlayerId, true);
Toggle victim proposition:
// Only the assassin is allowed to propose a victim.
const assassinId = 'id-2';
// Anyone other than the Assassin can be proposed as a victim.
const victimId = 'id-4';
// Toggles whether the player under `victimId` is proposed
// for assassination.
game.toggleVictimProposition(assassinId, victimId);
Assassinate the victim:
// Only the assassin is allowed to assassinate the victim.
const assassinId = 'id-2';
// Finalizes the choice and assassinates the victim. If the victim
// turns out to be Merlin - the bad guys win, however, if the
// Assassin fails to guess who the Merlin is - the good guys win.
Game serialization:
const playerId = 'id-1';
// Serializes the game state from the perspective of a given player.
// E.g reveals bad guys to other bad guys, but hides them from the good
// guys, etc..
The entire documentation can be viewed here.