Dynamic Continuized Combinatory Categorial Grammar Library
This project implements a prototype parser for Dynamic Continuized Combinatory Categorial Grammar, as described in Parsing with Dynamic Continuized CCG by Michael White, Simon Charlow, Jordan Needle and Dylan Bumford, appearing in the Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Tree-Adjoining Grammar and Related Formalisms (TAG+13), 2017.
It (1) demonstrates Barker and Shan's (2015) approach to handling quantifiers as functions on their own continuations in the 'tower' system, using lift operations integrated with binary combination steps; (2) uses CCG combinators on the tower bottom; (3) enforces scope islands by having categories that combine with finite clauses require them to be delimited, together with delimited combination rules that lower the delimited argument; and (4) implements Charlow's (2014) treatment of the exceptional scope of indefinites using a dynamic semantics with the state-set monad. Code appears in prolog/*.pl.
The project also implements an extension that demonstrates how the control over evaluation order afforded by Barker and Shan's Continuized CCG makes it possible to not only implement an improved analysis of negative polarity items in Dynamic Continuized CCG but also to develop an accurate treatment of balanced punctuation, as described in "Evaluation Order Effects in Dynamic Continuized CCG: From Negative Polarity Items to Balanced Punctuation" by Michael White, to appear in the Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics, 2019. Code for the extension appears in prolog/npi_punct/*.pl.
This file uses code from BB1, version 1.3 (November 2006), and shares the same license.
- SWI-Prolog version 7.4 or later
See prolog/LOG for example usage.