Install & Test
Before deploying the contracts, install all the required dependancies by
running npm install
In the separate terminal window run the Ganache with ganache-cli
Then run test files to see the contracts being deployed and tested with
truffle test
command (will run all the tests).
Contracts Deployment
The code has been set up using Truffle framework and contains the following contracts:
, Product.sol
and oracle contracts Oracle.sol
, OracleInterface.sol
All contracts can be deployed by running truffle deploy
First, it deploys CARegistry.sol
with DOA address as the contract owner. Then
we Oracle.sol
with oracle owner address, and then Product.sol
contract owner address, CA Registry contract address and Oracle contract address.
Test Files
The directory test has four test files that deploy and test smart contracts using various scenarious.
The utilities directory contains three files that provide off-chain computations to the smart contracts, such as generating certificate, initiating and sending data to the IPFS storage, retrieving data from IPFS, and quering external API.
Since our oracle ideally would be connected to the thermometer installed in the physical batch storage to report the temperature, we have used a random number generator API to imitate query for temperature.