The simple CLI util to help you make proper formatting of any human-language string. For example, you input "the quick brown fox ,jumps Over The , lazy dog ... " and get "The quick brown fox, jumps over the, lazy dog...". Magic!
- "Smart" regex based word casing.
- Formatting of quotes
- Formatting of commas, semilocons, etc.
- Proper spacing for everything
- Fancy diff with colorization
- Possibility to set your own ansi codes/chars for diff
- Mode for interactive input instead of cli
Pretty neat stuff, the core logics is in fact purely functional.
- -an,--ansi-new Ansi char for new stuff in diff
- -ao,--ansi-old Ansi char for old stuff in diff
- -c,--color Colorize output
- -cn,--char-new Char to show for new stuff in diff
- -co,--char-old Char to show for old stuff in diff
- -d,--diff Show diff
- -h,--help Help
- -i,--interactive Run app interactively
- -s,--string Input string, this one is REQUIRED.
Apache Commons libraries(mostly for cli interface), jansi for coloring diffs and diffutils that's it. There is also Junit tests. No bloat.
The performance overhead for that small application isn't really that bad at all.
I really don't know what you can improve. Maybe some dictionary based upcasing and support for different languages(the current version of app won't obliviously work with chineese/japanese/hebrew/arabic/hindi rules of punctuation, only latin/cyrillic-alphabet european languages)? Anyway i would be glad to see some PR.