FRA_BB: Numerical tests for Section 5.3 in "Feasible rounding based strategies in branch-and-bound methods for mixed-integer optimization"
We integrate feasible rounding approaches and diving ideas into the SCIP framework via pyscipopt. The following versions were used for our experiments:
- scipoptsuite7.0.0
- pycharm_community2020.1
- PySCIPOpt version:
- version gcc (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) 9.3.0 Please follow the instructions
The diving procedure is implemented in as instance of the class Heur in PySCIPOpt.
There are scripts for all experiments and data we generated for the publication. The jupyter notebook in results/notebook/results_nb.ipynb extracts all relevant data from the generated output-files
See results/FilterInstances.ipynb
We run SCIP with on the obtained test bed with 128 instances with up to 5 diving rounds and 30 minutes maximum run time. Results are displayed in results/Evaluation.ipynb.
We run SCIP without for 32 instances where it found best solutions until the solution is better than the one found with Results are displayed in results/Evaluation.ipynb.