SchXslt Ant is copyright (c) 2019 by David Maus <[email protected]> and released under the terms of the MIT license.
This project implements a task for Apache Ant that performs Schematron validation with SchXslt.
Download or compile the .jar file and define a new task using name.dmaus.schxslt.ant.Task
class name. The .jar contains the Java classes of a Schematron validation task as well as the
SchXslt transformation stylesheets.
The task relies on a XSLT 2.0 processor to be registered as transformer factory implementation and uses Saxon if no other transformer is registered.
It supports the following options:
file | Path to the file to be validated | - |
schema | Path to the file containing the Schematron | - |
phase | Validation phase | #ALL |
report | Path to the file that the SVRL report should be written to |
<project name="Test" basedir="." default="build">
<taskdef name="schematron" classname="name.dmaus.schxslt.ant.Task" classpath="/path/to/schxslt-ant.jar"/>
<target name="build">
<schematron schema="test.sch" file="test.sch" report="report.xml" phase="myPhase"/>