This package is been created to collect all the configurations to run Scientilla in a Docker environment. In this way the Scientilla project itself will be cleaner and not contain any Docker configuration.
We need to create an .env file with some custom configuration. You can find an example of this file in the root folder of this project: example.env
ENVIRONMENT= Name of the environment can be development, staging or production
WEB_APPLICATION_PORT= The port setting determines which TCP port will used to listen for incoming requests
WEB_APPLICATION_URL= The url determines the location of the application
DATABASE_HOST= Database host
DATABASE_PORT= Database port
DATABASE_NAME= Database name
DATABASE_USER= Database user
DATABASE_PASSWORD= Database password
FORCE_INSTALLER= (true or false) Force showing the installer even the application is ready to start
ALLOWED_IP= Make the installer only available from a specific IP
SCIENTILLA_VOLUME= Relative path to the Scientilla code folder starting from this project folder (only for development)
DOCKER_IMAGE= Location of the docker image that will be used in production
Please complete the scientilla configuration with the installer.
Start the services of Scientilla
./ start
Stop the services of Scientilla
./ stop
Restart the web service
./ restart
Stop the containers and remove the containers, networks, volumes, and images.
./ down
Show all the logs of the web service
./ logs
Create a backup of the database by using the following command. The postfix will be added to the filename.
./ backup create POSTFIX
Restore the database with a backup by using the following command. The file should be available inside the backups folder.
./ backup restore dump.sql