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Iceflow basics: MLP

In this example we illustrate the basic usage of IceFlow with a simple multilayer perceptron model.

IceFlow is based around three core files, each of which specifies one important aspect of a training/testing/inference workflow.

  1. defines the data to be used for training/testing/inference
  2. specifies the general model architecture
  3. a .cfg file specifies model and training hyperparameters

Dataset definition

Datasets should be defined as functions in a file called which return a (train, test) tuple of Datasets.

Each Dataset should itself be organized as a (features, targets) tuple.

Any of these tuples may be empty.

For example, here is a simple MNIST Dataset definition:

from import Dataset
from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data

def mnist():
    # load mnist data
    mnist = input_data.read_data_sets('MNIST_data', one_hot=True)

    # make Datasets
    train_dataset = Dataset.from_tensor_slices(
        (mnist.train._images, mnist.train._labels))
    test_dataset = Dataset.from_tensor_slices(
        (mnist.test._images, mnist.test._labels))

    return train_dataset, test_dataset

Model definition

Models should be defined as classes in a file called, ideally in the form of Sonnet modules.

import tensorflow as tf
import sonnet as snt

class MLP(snt.AbstractModule):
    def __init__(self, hidden_size, output_size, nonlinearity=tf.tanh):
        super(MLP, self).__init__()
        self._hidden_size = hidden_size
        self._output_size = output_size
        self._nonlinearity = nonlinearity

    def _build(self, inputs):
        lin_x_to_h = snt.Linear(output_size=self._hidden_size, name="x_to_h")
        lin_h_to_o = snt.Linear(output_size=self._output_size, name="h_to_o")
        return lin_h_to_o(self._nonlinearity(lin_x_to_h(inputs)))

Note that we expose the hyperparameters of the network (hidden_size and output_size) in the constructor.

Hyperparameter specification

Hyperparameters for both the network and the training are defined in a configparser-style configuration file.

The format of the IceFlow config file is roughly


optimizer_kwargs={"initial_accumulator_value": 0.01}

    "learning_rate": 0.1,
    "decay_steps": 1,
    "decay_rate": 0.9}

The [DEFAULT] section specifies a set of default parameters - the other sections represent minor variations on the [DEFAULT] model.

model_dir should be a unique folder name to write checkpoints to.

model must refer to a Sonnet module defined in

onehot can be skipped or set to False if your labels are not one-hot encoded. If your labels are one-hot encoded, set this to True (to report classification results as the one-hot indices of the classes) or set it to the name of a text file on the disk whose ith line is the name of the class encoded at index i (to report classification results as strings).

loss must be one of the losses defined in the tf.losses module.

optimizer must be one of the subclasses of tf.train.Optimizer defined in the tf.train module. If it is not passed it will default to tf.train.AdamOptimizer.

If optimizer requires a learning_rate parameter, you can either specify a fixed learning rate (e.g., learning_rate=0.001) or one of the learning rate decay schedulers in the tf.train module (e.g., learning_rate=exponential_decay). These decay schedulers require extra configuration, which should be specified in learning_rate_kwargs.

If you wish to pass additional kwargs to optimizer, you can do so in optimizer_kwargs.

metrics can be skipped if you don't care about any evaluation metrics besides the loss (which is always reported). If you do want to see additional metrics, set this option to a comma-separated list of metrics defined in the tf.metrics module.

Every other key in the section is taken to be a hyperparameter which will be passed as a kwarg to the constructor of the Sonnet module.

To train the model defined in the [DEFAULT] section, simply run

$ iceflow train test.cfg mnist

The variant models, such as [adagrad], inherit all hyperparameters from the [DEFAULT] section but override some of them, including model_dir (to avoid conflicting with the [DEFAULT] model). To train the [adagrad] variant, run

$ iceflow train test.cfg mnist --config_section adagrad

Running the example

Notice that in this example test.cfg file we are comparing three different ways to train our MLP: Adam, Adagrad, and Adagrad with an exponential weight decay. To train all three while recording test error over time, we can run:

$ iceflow train test.cfg mnist --eval_period 1000
$ iceflow train test.cfg mnist --config_section adagrad --eval_period 1000
$ iceflow train test.cfg mnist --config_section expdecay --eval_period 1000

We can then run

$ tensorboard logdir=.

and navigate to http://localhost:6006 to compare the test error profiles:

The other difference between the three variants being tested illustrates the behavior of the onehot configuration parameter.

In the [DEFAULT] section, we set onehot=classes.txt, where classes.txt is a file which provides string names for the onehot label classes (one per line, in order):


When we perform inference on this model, we get back the string name of the inferred class:

$ iceflow predict test.cfg random_image

For the other sections, we set onehot=True, which causes the inferred classes to be referred to by their onehot index:

$ iceflow predict test.cfg random_image --config_section adagrad