ice floe, nowhere to go
A lightweight meta-framework for training neural networks with TensorFlow.
pip install iceflow
Define Sonnet modules in
:import tensorflow as tf import sonnet as snt class MLP(snt.AbstractModule): def __init__(self, hidden_size, output_size, nonlinearity=tf.tanh): super(MLP, self).__init__() self._hidden_size = hidden_size self._output_size = output_size self._nonlinearity = nonlinearity def _build(self, inputs): lin_x_to_h = snt.Linear(output_size=self._hidden_size, name="x_to_h") lin_h_to_o = snt.Linear(output_size=self._output_size, name="h_to_o") return lin_h_to_o(self._nonlinearity(lin_x_to_h(inputs)))
Define Datasets in
:from import Dataset from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data def mnist(): # load mnist data mnist = input_data.read_data_sets('MNIST_data', one_hot=True) # make Datasets train_dataset = Dataset.from_tensor_slices( (mnist.train._images, mnist.train._labels)) test_dataset = Dataset.from_tensor_slices( (mnist.test._images, mnist.test._labels)) return train_dataset, test_dataset
Describe what you want to do in
:[DEFAULT] model_dir=test1 model=MLP onehot=classes.txt loss=softmax_cross_entropy metrics=accuracy,auc hidden_size=50 output_size=10
Train your model, evaluating every 1000 steps:
$ iceflow train test.cfg mnist --eval_period 1000
Evaluate your model:
$ iceflow eval test.cfg mnist {'auc': 0.98798531, 'loss': 0.13652229, 'accuracy': 0.96079999, 'global_step': 10000}
Visualize your learning in TensorBoard:
$ tensorboard --logdir=test1
Navigate to http://localhost:6006 to see the metrics:
Add some new data to
import numpy as np def random_image(): return None, Dataset.from_tensors( np.random.random((784,)).astype(np.float32)) def random_images(): return None, Dataset.from_tensor_slices( np.random.random((32, 784,)).astype(np.float32))
and make predictions on it
$ iceflow predict test.cfg random_image [5] $ iceflow predict test.cfg random_images [5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 5]
The format of the IceFlow config file is described in the basic MLP example.
The iceflow
API currently exposes two functions:
This function uses a configfile as described above to allow quick, reproducible,
and tweakable instantiation of a tf.Estimator
instance according to the
: the filename where the configfile may be found on the disksection
: which section of the configfile to read fromsubgraph
: a string reference to a bound method on the model specifying a subgraph that inference should be performed in, orNone
if we want to use the normal/full graph
The instantiated tf.Estimator
This function bridges the Dataset API
and the input_fn()
necessary for performing any operation with a
A vanilla Dataset instance merely stores some examples, but an input_fn()
indicates how those examples will be accessed (at random, or not?; in batches of
how many?; etc.) during training, evaluation, inference, etc.
instance to get data fromnum_epochs
: how many epochs to repeat for, orNone
to repeat foreverbatch_size
: size of each minibatchshuffle
to skip shuffling, otherwise an int specifying the size of the buffer to use for shufflingtake
: an int specifying the number of examples to take from the Dataset, orNone
if we want to take all of them
An input_fn()
suitable for use with a tf.Estimator
Our typical workload involves training lots of models (usually with complex or experimental architecture) with different sets of hyperparameters on different datasets.
Previously, we had been using a hand-built meta-framework around TensorFlow to organize training, evaluation, and inference.
As of TensorFlow 1.3, the Dataset API, Estimator API, and DeepMind's Sonnet library have arisen as mature alternatives to our hand-crafted solutions.
IceFlow aims to provide the small bit of code needed to get these three APIs to work together seamlessly - without sacrificing flexibility - and provide an efficient "command line and config file"-based interface to the basic train, eval, predict cycle.
- Currently, the only possible output you can obtain from
iceflow predict
is tensors being printed to the command line. We plan to extend this to allow specification of an arbitrary Python function that takes the prediction results (arrays) as input. - Currently, performing validation every so often during training is very awkward. We are awaiting the return of ValidationMonitor from its banishment in the desert of deprecation (and following this GitHub issue).