Auto Merge Scheduled / On Demand #3051
2 errors, 1 warning, and 1 notice
Validation of Pull Request #149
### Auto Merge
#### Failed
🔴 Pull Request has unsupported target branch `master`, expected branches are: ''
#### Success
🟢 Pull Request is not marked as draft and it's not blocked by `dont-merge` label
🟢 Pull Request meet requirements, title has correct form
🟢 Pull Request meet requirements, `mergeable` is `true`
🟢 Pull Request meet requirements, `mergeable_state` is `clean`
Validation of Pull Request #40
### Pull Request validation
#### Failed
🔴 Review - Missing review from a member (_**1** required_)
#### Success
🟢 CI - All checks have passed
ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see
Validation of Pull Request #149
🕵️ Member 'phracek' has approved the PR