Janus is a web application based on Laravel, Vue JS for the digital administration of information at the University.
Laravel is accessible, powerful, and provides tools required for large, robust applications.
Vue is a progressive framework for building user interfaces.
- Install and configuration Laravel.
- Install and configuration of database link of Postgresql for Laravel.
- Install and configuration of Vue js for Laravel.
- Install and configuration of Element-ui and Language for use.
- Develop of first administrator template for the application.
- Add to querys for User and controller for manipulations of dataset.
- Add to views Login, Dashboard, Logout.
- Install and configuration of Vuex for views.
- Install and configuration of JWT Firebase for security of users for application web.
- Develop Libraries: JWTFAuth.php, DynamicMenu;
- Add to tables user, profiles and userprofiles to schema "app" to database.
- Add to static menu for user navigation.
- Create function on database userprofiles.
- Add to dynamic menu for user navigation.
- Firts impressions for use axios interceptors.
- Firts impressions for use middleware.
- Complete middleware VerifyJWTFtoken.php
- Complete axios.interceptors for Request and Response.
- Install and configuration vuex-persistedstate for persistence of users.
- Add to dynamic user to dynamic menu and user profile.
- Add to table "app.user" a column "gestion" for default year access to application.
- Add to option year to menu and user profile. -Modify to Store, for object User a to array User for a much mantience to application.
- Add to first principal page to application not definitive.
- Add to missing views in frontend and rename other into database and table app.profiles.
- Add new routes into backend.
- Add changes to principal page.
- Created DeliveryDocumentsController and model DeliveryDocuments.
- Install el-search-table-pagination.
- Import ElSearchTablePagination in app.js.
- Create the view DeliveryDocuments and EditDeiveryDocuments.
- Create the route EditDeliveryDocument.
- Add to functions necesary to work table public.persons to GeneralController and model General
- Create the View Persons and add to route respective.
- Use to components table and pagination into View Persons.
- Use to library LengthAwarePaginator from Laravel to set data returns.
- Created EditDeliveryDocument.
- Retrieve information from deliverydocuments.
- Add new functions editActivo and getInfoEncargado in the model DeliveryDocuments.
- Use to component el-form, el-row, el-col and el-form-item to design the form.
- Use to component el-dialog for the asset form into View EdirDeliveryDocument.
- Create the View AddPerson, EditPerson and add to route respective.
- Add to functions to GeneralController for add, edit and get to datatable public.personas.
- Add to routes into frontend and the backend for relationship views and controller and model General.
- Create controlles DonationDocumentsController.
- create model DonationDocuments.
- Create EditDonationDocument.
- Create routes in API and js/router.js.
- Retrieve information from donationdocuments.
- Add new functions editActivo and getInfoEncargado in the model DonationDocuments.
- Use to component el-form, el-row, el-col and el-form-item to design the form.
- Use to component el-dialog for the asset form into View EdirDeliveryDocument. 1.8.3
- Create controlles LDocumentsController.
- create model DonationDocuments.
- Create EditDonationDocument.
- Create routes in API and js/router.js.
- Retrieve information from donationdocuments.
- Add new functions editActivo and getInfoEncargado in the model DonationDocuments.
- Use to component el-form, el-row, el-col and el-form-item to design the form.
- Use to component el-dialog for the asset form into View EdirDeliveryDocument. 1.8.4
- Create controlles DonationDocumentsController.
- create model DonationDocuments.
- Create EditDonationDocument.
- Create routes in API and js/router.js.
- Retrieve information from donationdocuments.
- Add new functions editActivo and getInfoEncargado in the model DonationDocuments.
- Use to component el-form, el-row, el-col and el-form-item to design the form.
- Use to component el-dialog for the asset form into View EdirDeliveryDocument.
- Most changes but the principal to report server is: Changes function to document "ReportService.php" located in application\vendor\jaspersoft\rest-client\src\Jaspersoft\Service\
public function runReport($uri, $format = 'pdf', $pages = null, $attachmentsPrefix = null, $inputControls = null, $interactive = true,
$onePagePerSheet = false $freshData = true, $saveDataSnapshot = false, $transformerKey = null){
$url = $this->restUrl2 . '/reports' . $uri . '.' . $format;
if (empty($inputControls)){
$url .= '?' . Util::query_suffix(compact("pages", "attachmentsPrefix", "interactive", "onePagePerSheet", "freshData", "saveDataSnapshot", "transformerKey"));
$url .= '?' . Util::query_suffix(array_merge(compact("pages", "attachmentsPrefix", "interactive", "onePagePerSheet", "freshData", "saveDataSnapshot", "transformerKey"), $inputControls));
$url = str_replace("%2F", "/", $url); //sustituir por /
$url = str_replace("%2C", ",", $url); //sustituir por ,
$binary = $this->service->prepAndSend($url, array(200), 'GET', null, true);
return $binary;
Thank you for considering contributing to the Application Web! The contribution guide can be found in the Janus Documentacion.
If you discover a security vulnerability within Laravel, please send an e-mail to Taylor Otwell via [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.