The Apache License Version 2.0 licences requires attribution when "redistributing" the code.
I have relaxed this requirement by overriding section 4. Redistribution
clause to be, in totality:
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
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This allows you to use the code in any way you see fit without the need to add attribution. I literally don't care what you do with this code or if you attribute it to me. If you want to, that's okay too!
-scott Is a class I used to debug the NATS Java client as I work on it. I don't check it into that project on purpose because I don't ever want to leave debug in the client and CI build will fail if I forget! is an nifty wrapper around java.nio.ByteBuffer. It makes it easy to use ByteBuffer but doesn't require you to know how many bytes you need to allocate since it does the work to grow the buffer as you add data. is an improvement on CountDownlatch that adds ability to cancel the count down, immediately freeing the latch. is a utility to building a digest of a large amount of data like a stream that is read a chunk at a time. is a utility to make gzipping easy. and are utilities to simplify the common json tasks. is a utility for parsing human-readable numbers that might make input easier,
Example | Java Long Value |
1_000 | 1,000 |
10,000 | 10,000 |
100.000 | 100,000 |
1k | 1,000 |
1ki | 1,024 |
1m | 1,000,000 |
1mi | 1,048,576 |
1g | 1,000,000_000 |
1gi | 1,073,741,824 | is a utility for manipulating a date in simple form i.e. 20100101 is an object that represents a 64 bit unsigned long