This is an NES emulator, written in Go. It's fairly new and very much a work in progress, so not all games run yet and not all features are implemented. Details are below.
Requires Go 1.1
From your GOPATH:
$ sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-gfx1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libglew1.6-dev libxrandr-dev
$ go get
You'll need to install XQuartz in order to run on OSX.
Requires Go 1.1
From your GOPATH:
$ brew install sdl --with-x11-driver
$ brew install sdl_gfx sdl_image glew
$ go get
$ Fergulator path/to/game.nes
A - Z
B - X
Start - Enter
Select - Right Shift
Up/Down/Left/Right - Arrows
Save State - S
Load State - L
Reset - R
1:1 aspect ratio - 1
2:1 aspect ratio - 2
3:1 aspect ratio - 3
4:1 aspect ratio - 4
Emulate overscan - O
Toggle audio - I
Toggle pause - P
Frame Advance - \
Reload Debug JS - D
Trigger Mode Event - M
- MMC1
- MMC2
- MMC3
- MMC5