Cronjure is a thin Clojure wrapper for the popular cron-utils library.
[cronjure "0.1.1"]
{cronjure {:mvn/version "0.1.1"}}
(require '[cronjure.core :refer :all])
(def my-cron-definition
(with-valid-range 0 60)
(with-int-mapping 60 0))
Creating a cron instance requires a cron definition, pre-defined definitions can be found
under cronjure.definitions
(def my-cron-instance
(build-instance my-cron-definition
(with-second (on 59))
(with-minute (between 15 30))
(with-hour (on 10))
(with-dow (on 6 cronjure.special-characters/l))
(with-month always)))
(as-string my-cron-instance) ; => "59 15-30 10 * 6L"
Takes an optional locale, uses the default locale if not specified.
(describe my-cron-instance) ; => "every minute between 10:15 and 10:30 last Saturday of every month"
(describe my-cron-instance (java.util.Locale/FRENCH)) ; => "chaque minute entre 10:15 et 10:30 dernier samedi de chaque mois"
(next-execution-date my-cron-instance) ; => java.time.ZonedDateTime
(last-execution-date my-cron-instance) ; => java.time.ZonedDateTime
Two similar functions are also provided which return instances of a java.time.Duration
(time-to-next-execution my-cron-instance) ; => java.time.Duration
(time-since-last-execution my-cron-instance) ; => java.time.Duration
A format can be optionally supplied.
(time-to-next-execution my-cron-instance :minutes) ; => e.g. 42
(time-to-next-execution my-cron-instance :seconds) ; => e.g. 2520
Cron instances can also be created using strings.
(->> "0/30 55 18 ? * 1"
(parse cronjure.definitions/quartz)
; => "every 30 seconds at 55 minute at 18 hour at Sunday day"
Information about specific fields can be retrieved from either a cron definition/instance.
(get-instance-field my-cron-instance :minute)
; => {:order 1,
; :expression "15-30",
; :constraints {:start-range 0, :end-range 60, :special-chars ["NONE"]}}
(get-definition-field my-cron-definition :minute)
;=> {:optional false,
; :constraints {:start-range 0, :end-range 60, :special-chars ["NONE"]}}