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Declarative DOM manipulations, seamless fusing with server side render architecture.


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Declarative DOM manipulations. Play happy with server-side render architecture, such as scrat-seo.




Assume we have a app's HTML that is generated by server:

<div id="app" 
	r-class="{hl: hl}"
>Hi, Reve</div>

Then create an app ViewModel instance with it's element selector:

var $app = new Reve({
	el: '#app',
	data: function () {
		// define some state of ViewModel
		return {
			show: true,
			hl: true
	ready: function () {
		// ... do something when instance compele ...
	methods: {
		// ... define methods of the ViewModel ...

After instancing, the element is rendered to:

<div id="app" class="hl">Hi, Reve</div>

We can change states of the app ViewModel, such as disable the highlight state, then call $update method, it will update UI automatically:

ready: function () {
	this.$data.hl = false
	// it need to call update() to trigger UI update after state being changed

Render result:

<div id="app" class="">Hi, Reve</div>

If want to hide the app element, we can do it like this:

this.$ = false

The app element's style of display will be "none":

<div id="app" class="" style="display: none">Hi, Reve</div>



Directive is declarative DOM manipulation, such as "r-class" is the DOM manipulation of add/remove class to the element.

  • r-show

    set element's style of display to none, when value is false.

  • r-class

    Add className to the element when value is true, Otherwise remove that class. such as:

     <span r-class="{
       red    : hasError;
       bold   : isImportant;
       hidden : isHidden;
  • r-style

    Set inline style to element.

     <span r-class="{
       display    : show ? '':'none'
  • r-attr

    Update element's attribute by binding data.

     <img r-attr="{src: imgUrl || './default.png'}" alt="">
  • r-on

    Add event listener to the element, such as add a "click" and "toucstart" events to the button element:

     		click: onClick;
     		touchstart: onTouchStart;
  • r-html

    Update element's innerHTML by binding data.

  • r-component

    Declare the element is a component root element, and Reve will instance it with specified component id. Assume we have defined a component with state "title" and method "capitalize", as below:

     Reve.component('header', {
     	data: function () {
     		return {
     			title: ''
     	methods: {
     		capitalize: function (str) {
     			var initial = str[0]
     			return initial.towUpperCase() + str.slice(1)

    And component's template as below:

     <div id="app">
     	<div r-component="header" 
     			title: "hi, reve"
     		<span r-html="{capitalize(title)}"></span>

    It will be instanced when instance parent VM:

     var app = new Reve({
     	el: '#app'

    Render result:

     <div id="app">
     		<span>Hi, reve</span>
  • r-ref

    Add a reference of the component instance to parent component instance.

    Notice: work with "r-component" only.

     <div r-component="header" r-ref="header"></div>

    We can access the header component instance refernce by parent VM's $refs property:

     app.$refs.header.$data.title // 'hi, reve'
  • r-data

    Passing and binding data from parent VM to child component.

    Notice: work with "r-component" only.

  • r-methods

    Passing methods from parent VM to child component.

    Notice: work with "r-component" only.

Class Methods

  • Reve(options)

    Create a ViewModel instance.

  • Reve.create(options)

    Create a ViewModel Class.

  • Reve.component(id, options)

    Create a ViewModel Class and assign it with specified id. it's r-component's value.

Instance Options

  • el <HTMLElement> | <String>

    The root Element or element Selector of the ViewModel.

  • template <String>

    Replace ViewModel element's innerHTML with template, if el is not given, Reve will create a div element with the template innerHTML

  • data <Function>

    Get default ViewModel's data, data is a method that should return an object.

  • methods <Object>

    Specified methods of the ViewModel those can be use in directive's expression and be accessed by the ViewModel instance as property directly:

     methods: {
     	show: function () {
     		// to do something
     ready: function () { // accessing as method property
  • created <Function>

    Lifecycle Method It will be called before compiling directives of the ViewModel.

  • ready <Function>

    Lifecycle Method It will be called after all directives of the ViewModel are compiled.

  • shouldUpdate <Function>

    Lifecycle Method It will be called after each times calling $update method, return false will stop current ViewModel to update UI.

Instance Properties

  • $el <HTMLElement>

    The root element of the ViewModel instance.

  • $data <Object>

    The data object of the ViewModel instance.

  • $methods <Object>

    The methods option object of the ViewModel

  • $refs <Object>

    All child component instances those have declared the reference id with r-ref.

  • $directives <Object>

    All directives those not contain child component's directives of the ViewModel.

Instance Methods

  • $update()

    Call the method manually to update UI View when data of the ViewModel instance has been changed.

  • $compile(HTMLElement | String)

    • return <HTMLElement> | <DocumentFragment> if param typeof String, it will be a documentfragment, otherwise will return HTMLElement.

    Compile all directives of the HTMLElement or HTML template in current ViewModel. It's useful when load something async then append to current ViewModel's DOM Tree.


Custom Directive

Directive lifecycle methods:

  • bind Call only once when init.
  • update Call every time when expression's value has been changed.
  • unbind Call only once before directive is destroyed.

Directive instance properties:

  • $vm Mounted VM of the directive
  • $el Mounted target Node of the directive
  • $id Current directive instance id

Define a custom directive with Reve.directive, such as below example to define a "tap" directive:

<div r-tap="{onClick}"></div>
Reve.directive('tap', {
    bind: function (value, expression) {
        // do something when init
    update: function (value) {
        // do something when state change or after init
    unbind: function () {
        // do something before destroy the directive instance

More sample, see test case




Declarative DOM manipulations, seamless fusing with server side render architecture.







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