Create a swarm of clients to stress test your socket-based application. Provides hooks to allow for HTTP based authentication to be passed into the socket connection requests if necessary, as well as listening to and responding to various socket events.
npm i -g ws-test
ws-test --port 9000 --concurrent 50 --frequency 6000 --duration 100000 --generator my-gen.js
Usage: ws-test [host] -p [port] -c [concurrency] -f [frequency] -d [duration] -g [generator]
-p, --port What port to use. Default = 80
-c, --concurrent How many clients to run concurrently. Default = 100
-f, --frequency Frequency of client messages (ms). Default = 50
-d, --duration Length of test (ms). Default = 60000 (1 minute)
-g, --generator Name of generator file to load, if any. This will specify
the details of how to connect and authenticate to your socket server
Generators allow you to set custom authentication methods, listeners for the socket, and what message(s) the client should send to flood the server.
The generator should export the following symbols (none of these are required, but it might not do much if you don't provide one).
→ array of event objects
name: 'event name',
method: function(event name, socket, cookies, user, pass, message object)
→function(host, port, iteration, cb)
* Autnenticate for a client
* @method authenticate
* @async
* @param {string} host hostname
* @param {integer} port portname
* @param {integer} iteration what client number to generate
* @param {Function} cb `err` on error, `err`, `cookies`, `username`, `password` on success
* @returns {object} undefined
note: cookies
should be an object of parsed cookies, and username, password will be the credentials used to authenicate. If authenication fails, the callback should receive an error
→function(host, port, cookies)
* Returns the URL to send to the `io.connect` method.
* @method getSocketURL
* @param {string} host host name
* @param {integer} port port
* @param {object} cookies if you need them
* @returns {object} undefined
→function(cookies, user, pass)
* Returns a message to send to the client
* @method clientIterateMessage
* @param {object} cookies Any cookies you might need
* @param {string} user the name of the user who authenciated
* @param {string} pass the password of the user who authenciated
* @returns {object} undefined
See examples/default-generator.js for an example of how this works.
Copyright ©2014 Scripto, LLC. Available under the MIT license