Python script to add index numbers to Image spritesheets, starting with 0 in the top left corner. Resulting files are doubled in size for legibility.
Made by request for a Mac user who wanted similar functionality to the Windows only script by Sophiesalacia.
- Python 3
- Pillow
Put any images you wish to add in to the "in" directory.
Inbound files should use the name convention "yourfilename-w-h.ext" where w and h are the width and height of a cell.
For example:
- If you want to index "springobjects.png", place it in the "in" directory with the name "springobjects-16-16.png".
- If you want to index an NPC spritesheet such as "Characters/Abigail.png", use the name "Abigail-16-32.png"
Run the script with py
(Windows) or python3
Images will be taken from the "in" folder, moved to the "processed" folder afterwards. The enlarged image with numbers will be placed in the "out" folder, with the name "yourfilename-indexed".