Given that this is my first introduction to Scala, this is is very much a brute force implementation. The current implementation of problem 2 runs in exponential time, and has not been optimized at all.
The data structures provided in the problem description were to be used without modification. Given a choice, I would likely have made changes to clean the code up a bit and improve performance. For example, I could have stored the reference to the full Promotion objects within PromotionCombo, so we would not have to pass allPromotions around from function to function. Or, I may have used Set instead of Seq throughout, since ordering seems unimportant. Alternatively, I could have stored the list of all known Promotions in a Singleton, but I felt like the provided interface lent itself more towards a stateless implementation.
Order does not matter in the output.
Invalid input should result in an Exception.
Null values in inputs will just throw a NullPointerException
EmptyString values are OK
In Problem 1, if there are two CabinPrices with different rates for the same rate group and identical prices, one will be selected (selection criteria is undefined)
Execute Problem1 with sample input: sbt "runMain org.boblewis.exercises.tst.problem1.Main"
Execute Problem2 with sample input: sbt "runMain org.boblewis.exercises.tst.problem2.Main"
Execute unit tests: sbt test