These projects concern about collecting profiles (run-times and execution frequencies) on C/C++ programs.
Clang based AST reformatting tool used for injecting instrumentation code in C/C++ programs.
The actual tool.
The library code that need to be linked to the instrumented code and the corresponding include files.
Some representative test-cases.
cd instrumentor
- For a single file
cd instrumentor
./build/instrumentor unitTests/Test2/prime.cpp -- > unitTests/Test2/prime_instr.cpp
- For a batch of C++ files in a project.
cd <The directory containing the C++ files>
g++ -I ./instrumentor/include -L ./instrumentor/build unitTests/Test2/prime_instr.cpp -linstrumentor
For the C++ code, we have the following profiles collected.
Name Self Time (ns) Child Time (ns)
fibonacci_iter 2719.000000 0.000000
fibonacci_rec 4285253.000000 0.000000
frequency_of_primes 1106886635.000000 0.000000
main 8765207.000000 1111174607.000000
cd unitTests
make clean
- Not thread safe.
- Works on C++ code.
- The collected run-times are wall-clock times, as apposed to user time.