A Django middleware to restrict the access to the Django admin based on incoming IPs
- Python >= 3.5
- Django >= 1.11,<4
- django-ipware=>2,<4
Note that Django 3 has dropped support for Python 3.5
First install the package:
$ pip install django-admin-ip-restrictor
Then add the middleware to your settings:
MIDDLEWARE = [ ... 'admin_ip_restrictor.middleware.AdminIPRestrictorMiddleware' ]
Set these variables in your settings.py to control who has access to the admin (IPV4 and IPV6 can be mixed):
Use RESTRICTED_APP_NAMES to restrict the access to more apps. Admin app is always included.
If using environment variables make sure that the variables receive the right type of value. django-admin-ip-restrictor automatically converts the following formats:
$ export RESTRICT_ADMIN='true' $ export ALLOWED_ADMIN_IPS=',::1' $ export ALLOWED_ADMIN_IP_RANGES=',::/1' $ export RESTRICTED_APP_NAMES='wagtail_admin,foo'
For RESTRICT_ADMIN also these values can be used: True, 1, false, False, 0
Use TRUST_PRIVATE_IP to skip checking IP addresses from a trusted private network.
Full changelog at https://github.com/sdonk/django-admin-ip-restrictor/blob/master/CHANGELOG.rst
Install tox:
$ pip install tox
Install pyenv, use https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv#installation as reference.
Install Python versions in pyenv:
$ pyenv install 3.5.10 $ pyenv install 3.6.12 $ pyenv install 3.7.9 $ pyenv install 3.8.6
Specify the Python versions you want to test with:
$ pyenv local 3.5.10 3.6.12 3.7.9 3.8.6
Run tests:
$ tox
Fork the project and submit a PR!