These scripts generate materials for various platforms: JupyterHub, Colab, JupyterLite Their will be notebooks with the footprint and without for all the environments A notebook with no footprint means that we are loading all external files(csv, png, etc) from a URL. Any otter-grader v3 notebooks are converted to otter-grader v4
runs all the steps necessary to create the various types of notebooks
Notice in that you can run one notebook or all the notebooks in the folder _notebooks_raw
You need to study to see the configuration options. There are series of pieces to consider:
- assignments dictionary: The script runs through this structure when you do not pass in a single notebook to be run. Notice that the keys correspond to the top-level directories in the _notebooks_raw folder. The list of numbers corresponds the assignment number for each assignment type.
- reference_notebook: the one assignment in data 8 that does not have a number on it.
- VERBOSE: If set to True you see the output from otter assign as well as some other pieces
- OTTER_VERSION: Set to 4.4.1 this is used in colab notebooks
- COLAB_*: The colab notebooks need special configuration
The run("")
at the bottom of runs the script. If you pass in a notebook name it will only
run that notebooks(e.g. run("hw02.ipynb")
The run
function either iterates over all the assignments dict or runs the process for one file. In either case, the process starts by copying the notebook from the folder, _notebooks_raw into the folder, notebooks.
You original notebooks should be put into _notebooks_raw
The remaining steps are detailed here but implemented in, file_no_ext)
- Line:
cn.colab_assign_for_file(assign_args, "notebooks")
- This does the following:
- created folders notebooks_colab
- modifies the assignment config so the notebooks know they are colab notebooks - AssignmentConfig
- runs otter assign to create the student and instructor notebooks needed for colab -- with footprint!
- modifies the first cell for student and instructor notebook so that colab can connect appropriately to notebooks
- creates and populates the appropriate folders: e.g. notebooks_colab/hw/hw01/{student/autograder}
- Copy Assets
- Line:
It will automatically handle the copying for the folders: notebooks and notebooks_colab This copies all the assets from the raw folder to the notebooks_assets folder -- the assets should be exactly the same between notebooks and notebooks_colab.
- Copy the ./notebooks_assets folder to the publicly available web location: e.g. materials-sp22-assets in which I allow live access via GH Pages to the main branch. This must be copied and committed before the next step
- Line:
cn.colab_assign_for_file(assign_args, "notebooks_no_footprint")
if and when you are running otter assign for no_footprint this happens: * Removes the files attribute from the Assignment Config * Replaces each file reference in the notebook with public_url path to the file
- Run otter assign
- Line:
oa.assign(assign_args, "notebooks_no_footprint", create_pdfs=False)
- Line:
oa.assign(assign_args, "notebooks", create_pdfs=assign_args["create_pdfs"])
- Line:
- Create JL notebooks
- Line:
jc.jupyterlite(assign_args, "notebooks")
- Line:
jc.jupyterlite(assign_args, "notebooks_no_footprint")
- Line:
- Create binder notebooks
- Line:
bc.binderize(assign_args, "notebooks")
- Line:
bc.binderize(assign_args, "notebooks_no_footprint")
- Line:
This section describes what is in each folder after all the commands in are executed. From here, you copy the files to appropriate repositories to distribute
notebooks: Your original set of raw unprocessed notebooks and any external files needed(csv, png, etc) as well as the results of otter assign being run on your notebooks -- each folder has a student and autograder subfolder -- this includes footprint
notebooks_assets: these should be copied to a space that renders them in a publicly-viewable url; it is what will be used to load external files and images; for example we have materials-sp22-assets in the ds-modules github org
notebook_binder: binderized student and instructor(autograder folder) notebooks for each assignment with footprint
notebook_colab: colab-enabled student and instructor(autograder folder) notebooks for each assignment with footprint
notebook_jupyterlite: jupyterlite-enabled student and instructor(autograder folder) notebooks for each assignment with footprint
notebook_jupyterlite: jupyterlite-enabled student and instructor(autograder folder) notebooks for each assignment with footprint
notebooks_no_footprint: the results of otter assign being run on your notebooks -- each folder has a student and autograder subfolder -- there is no footprint
notebook_no_footprint_binder: binderized student and instructor(autograder folder) notebooks for each assignment without footprint
notebook_no_footprint_colab: colab-enabled student and instructor(autograder folder) notebooks for each assignment without footprint
notebook_no_footprint_jupyterlite: jupyterlite-enabled student and instructor(autograder folder) notebooks for each assignment without footprint