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Height map Conversion

sean85914 edited this page Jun 24, 2020 · 2 revisions

Given a point set Pcamera retrieved by the camera

where each point is represented as

which includes both position w.r.t. camera coordinate and the color information.

With the transformation matrix obtained by hand-eye calibration, we can transform the point set into arm coordinate, expressed as Parm
We defines the workspace in arm coordinate

and gets the subset of Parm, denoted as Pworkspace

For each point in Pworkspace, we can compute the re-projected index with

and set the pixel at (u, v) as (r, g, b) and z-zmin for color and depth height-map, respectively, and build the mapping between (u, v) and
(x, y, z).

For pixel that does not contain a corresponding point, we simply leaves black (i.e., r=g=b=0) and zero height for color and depth height-map.

The conversion is illustrated as the following

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