This is the source code for the .NET Exercises.
In order to run the app you should follow these steps:
- Run the scripts inside the DB Setup folder
- Modify MyRestfullApp\MyRestfullApp.Data\App.Config & MyRestfullApp\MyRestfullApp\Web.config to configure the database connection, search for the MyRestfullAppEntities connection string, change it according to your DB configuration.
- Run the app from Visual Studio 2015, or publish it to IIS
- When run it will display the default help page
This app has two routes. The BASE URL should be http://localhost:4735/Api
- GET /Cotizacion?moneda=dolar will get the current dolar exchange rate, according to this webservice: Other supported yet not implemented values are peso or real
- GET api/User
- GET api/User/{id}
- POST api/User [UserJSONBODY]
- PUT api/User/{id} [UserJSONBODY]
- DELETE api/User/{id}