This repository contains the following:
- A Python (3.5) package to collect sEMG and IMU measurements from Myo armband devices, featuring:
- An implementation of the Bluegiga API (BGAPI)
- Use of GAP and GATT client to:
- Discover, and connect to devices
- Search for and subscribe to available services
- Use of Myo specific commands
The GUI demonstration currently supports up to two Myo armband devices over a BLED112 Bluetooth dongle(s), and is intended to be used on a Linux distribution.
The GUI allows for collection of data with (crude) ground truth, as well as online training/testing. For refining of ground truth, and offline training/testing, please see the NinaTools respository.
First install the pymyolinux package
git clone
cd PythonMyoLinux
pip install .
conda install -c conda-forge pyserial -y
Install remaining dependencies (first setup the NinaTools respository)
conda install -c conda-forge/label/cf201901 pyqt=5.6.0 pyqtgraph=0.10.0 -y
Distribution specific steps (for CentOS 7 only), to allow video playback
yum install gstreamer1.x86_64 gstreamer1-libav.x86_64 gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld.x86_64 gstreamer1-plugins-good.x86_64
yes | cp /lib64/gstreamer-1.0/* /path_to_miniconda/envs/testnina/lib/gstreamer-1.0/
To finally run the GUI demonstration
python gui_demo/
- "Getting Started with Bluetooth Low Energy" by O'Reilly Media, Inc.
- For a brief understanding of the Bluetooth stack, and Bluetooth core specification.
- See "Bluetooth Smart Software API Reference Manual for BLE Version 1.7", to understand BGAPI.
- A major inspiration for this work.
- Contains Myo specific commands.